May 30, 2014

Mystery Energy Gifts Remain


Although the Energy Rush Event has expired, Zynga left us a present on the Free Gift Page. You can still collect up to 50 Mystery Energy Gifts per day and that is pretty cool. If Zynga loves us they will add a Mystery Stamina Gift!



  1. Old Guy - LeonardMay 30, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    Not sure Mr Z loves you, but I do...Thanks for all you help and support to everyone..
    <3 Old Guy

  2. It's a little cool --BUt-- if you haven't noticed, these particular pop-ups override all others, making them disappear! So, if you clicked on something on the News Feed, then got one of these popups, you probably didn't get the pop-up you wanted. Gotta reload the link (which doesn't always work). The Zynga shaft continues!


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