May 15, 2014

Mexico Caption Contest Winners


Zynga announced the winners of the Mexico Caption Contest we told you about here. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner, their captions and prizes are on the Mafia Wars Fan Page [1]. You would think they would have used the same image that the captions were for but Zynga likes to think outside of the logic box so here it is for a reference. My favorite caption submitted to our site by Kevin Watson is also shown below. Congratulations to the winners!
“The consumable required for the new destination, Refried Beans, proved to have tragic consequences for many players.”


  1. Miranda Trefiak- ƸMƷ ʍɨя ďą'яąώяMay 15, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    Woot!!!! 2nd place :)

  2. They say Tragedy is easy, Comedy is hard, but somehow the refried bean jokes just write themselves

  3. haha They didn't like my suggestion of "OMG! The Mexican Jumping Beans just exploded!"

  4. Congrats Miranda! Kevin's submission is another classic, too!!


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