Apr 30, 2014

Family Boss Fight 17: Syd Slaughter


It was 12 days ago that Goldie Angelo left the building and probably won’t be seen again unless Zynga uses his likeness for another event [1].  Today Syd Slaughter takes his place. Families are busy working on the Family Business Mission so Syd is probably not getting a very warm welcome. There aren’t any changes from the previous Family Boss Fights and the combos and rewards are shown below.

Syd Slaughter has a 1,000,000 health and your family gets 7 days to beat him or you can speed things up for 25 reward points. We don’t recommend this as the loot will soon be outdated. syd2syd3syd1
Like all the other bosses, you can use stamina or combos to attack Syd Slaughter. It’s best to keep the rage meter at 250 or below because once it goes higher each attack produces less damage and your family will be spinning it’s wheels. If you use ammo, the unique combos for this boss fight are shown below.
Each member participating in the fight will get 4 of the following rewards and one of them will be a superior item. If you are very lucky you might get the super rare superior item, the bf1 bf2 bf3 bf4 bf5 bf6 bf7 bf8 bf9 bf10 bf11 bf12 bf13 bf14
Depending on a variety of factors including luck, you will get 4 of the items shown below.

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