Mar 5, 2012

Family Exp by Spockholm Mafia Tools Update


The Family Exp Spocklet has been updated to include more information. At any time you can now get a list of how much family experience you have gained in each category, what percentage is complete, how much is needed to reach the next level and a time estimate in days assuming the family has 101 members how collect on the gold level of each category daily.

All Zynga provides is a visual of the percentage gained. The problem with this system once you get past Level 9 is you won’t see progression every day. The Family Exp takes care of that and you get a better idea of what needs to be done.
Using the Family Exp Spocklet is easy. Just type do a search on the Spockholm Mafia Toolbar and click enter.
The stand alone version can be found on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Experimental Page. You need to drag it to your bookmark toolbar and unframe your game before using.


  1. would be a 'nice to have' if we could plug in our number of family and the spocklet used that number. Nice update!

  2. I use Chrome and have lost my toolbar..It's still in extensions, haven't been able to reload it..any suggestions?..anyone??


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