It’s no secret that Facebook is going to convert all accounts to Timeline (1). Players who currently have it as well as those who don’t have been experiencing many issues with the news feeds. I imagine we will continue to see problems but Zynga continues to release features that rely on news feed requests. Many are experiencing issues with scanning scripts and the timing couldn’t be worse. Team Spockholm made the following post on their fan page regarding this issue (1).
Several hours later, things on the Facebook side seemed to be resolved and an update was made (1).
It is recommended that you leave the Posts/request at 100 but if you are still having issues, lower the number to 0 and scan for a shorter period of time. Posts/requests is telling the Facebook servers to request 100 posts in that request to the Facebook API. If you leave this number at 0, it defaults to 30. According to Martin, if you set it too high, you will probably break things. If the Facebook server load is too high, then 100 may be too much. For more information on how this setting works can affect your scanning times, go to this Spockholm Forum thread.
Does not work. I get message ")" posts found no matter what I set my numbers. Any suggestions?