Feb 11, 2012

Mafia Wars: Informant Podcast Episode 138


Well this time Jen and Pete are solo, until a strange visitor returns to the show. Pistol Pete mentions the changes to the Family Rank data that is maintained by Team Spockholm. He also reads a rant from a listener regarding boycotting. Jen skims over the surface of most of the game changes becuase they are all repeats in some way. While the major topic of conversation is a glitch regarding Loot and Items that could be a game changer.

Glitchity, Glitch

Article written by Mike Nestor, Admin of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Crew Member of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. how come mafia has lots players that is full of negativity lol the funny thing is that they are still the same players who continue playing..if your no longer happy just leave and stop flooding the page with negativity the Lootlady page is full of negative energy dont you notice? lol its obvious theyre the one who cant advance lol

    1. The game is very negative right now. It's hard to just walk away if you invested time and a lot of money into it. Most of us are hoping for change. If it doesn't happen, I see another wave of seasoned players leaving again.

    2. Your right Jen, I keep hoping for a change for the better but don't see it coming anytime soon. I'm hanging on the fringe, playing but nothing like I used to, just can't pull the trigger to walk away yet.

  2. Yeah I yell a zynga a lot. Anyway what is the Max mafia attack and def one can have if they used the glitches as I have seen some 310k players sad part is now it takes 10 plus hours for me to get my 150 ices when last week I could do it in 3 and I have been adding attack like crazy.


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