Feb 20, 2012

The Ice Queen Home Page Banner


The Battle Reward banner I mentioned in the previous post shares the same real estate with a new Ice Queen banner. Although the Ice Queen has been available since Jan 4th, there has never been a Home Page banner. I’m not sure if Zynga is trying to beef up the module numbers or if this is a sign that the Ice Queen will be melting away soon.


The banner shown above and the Family Battle banner are rotating and both fill the #3 spot. If you aren’t in a Family then you won’t see either of them.


Thanks to Mark Allan for notifying me of both these banners and helping to attempt to figure out what Zynga could be up to.


  1. Thanks Jen... I got a glimpse at the 2nd banner & was wondering exactly what they meant by "earn rewards for every battle". I thought we already did that.

  2. I caught a glimpse of the 2nd banner & was wondering what "earn rewards for every battle" meant. I scrolled back through & the banner was gone, so I thought it was another Zynga flub. I thought we already did earn rewards for every battle??

  3. Noticed that the Grand Prize stats on the home banner say 200/200 but if you go to the Family Boss Fight the Grand Prize stats say 201/201....... guess it doesn't really matter cause noone gets a grand prize anyway do they?? I've never seen one.


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