Feb 17, 2012

Fight Module Background Image


There isn’t much going on in Mafia Wars and it will be very nice to have a weekend to get caught up and actually play the game. A few days ago, Herman Strange posted the background image of the fight module and I found it to be kind of creepy. We are familiar with the main 3 components of the Fight Module which are shown below.


If you ever looked closer, you can see the Fight Module components sit on top of a image. I’ve noticed that but never thought much of it.


Here is the image without the Fight Module resting on top of it. If you click to enlarge it, you will notice some creepy things.


Two of the spectators look like identical twins and there is another set of identical twins behind them. There is also a random arm sticking out of no where.


The guy to the far left looks like he is about to sneeze.


These two look like they are at a rock concert instead of a fight.


I don’t know what the guy on the right is hiding from. If you want to see more of him, he also has a twin brother to the left.


This guy seems to be pointing at something of interest but it looks like thin air to me. Maybe he is hallucinating.


Finally if you look to the far left of the image directly behind the guy who is sneezing, you will see a fellow who looks an awful like our disappearing Raven.


Thanks again to Herman for posting this on the fan page. I really hope this is the most interesting thing that I post all weekend. I would prefer to not deal with new properties, missions, loot, etc. until next week.


  1. Lolz jen !! You rock !! ZYNGA sucks !!

  2. Programmers on drugs... What else can be said.

  3. They should spend this energy doing something constructive for the game.I'd rather see an image of two ears that listen to what the players have to say


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