Feb 16, 2012

Carnival Mystery Bags Coming Soon


The next special type of Mystery Bag is going to be the Carnival Mystery Bag. These will replace Dragon Mystery Bags. The Inventory History Spocklet picked up a decent loot item labeled for Gifting called the Samba Dancer. The guys should like this one because she isn’t wearing much!


I went to an account that I don’t used and found my unopened Dragon Mystery Bags turned into Carnival Mystery Bags.



  1. Greets, MWLL, I have seen an MWO post with a screenshot
    saying that someone has figured out how to send these early...U think u can get the Spockheads to figure it out? Would be Groovalicious! All the best!!

    1. That looks like a desperate attempt to get readers. I checked the profile of the person who wrote that post and they don't have any Samba Dancers. That person was also one of the ex {ASS} members so it is possible they know something. Two things that need to be ruled out are photoshop or that could be an old account that had left over Dragon Mystery Bags. I know there was a glitch and players were able to send Gold, Harvest and Dragon Mystery Bags. If it is still going on then Zynga needs to fix it. Until we can find a profile with a Samba Dancer (I will look for one), it's not worth it for me to post as there isn't enough information to support that screen shot. If he posts the instructions than it can be verified but it's probably just a gimmick to get people to keep checking his blog.


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