Feb 10, 2012

Another Secret District Nerf


Many of us took note that purchasing Secret Districts was an excellent way to acquire skill points.  Spending 35 reward points to get 36 skill points is a great deal. Zynga must have taken note as well because they nerfed this feature and players are no longer allowed to repeat Secret Districts more than once. El Burro, competed the district 14 times before hit with the nerf.


From now on when you unlock and master a Secret District, it will remain open until the timer runs out. In the example below, Doug Knights, one of my family members, unlocked and mastered Smuggler’s Haven. He was ready to unlock El Dorado and found that he was unable to do this. He now has to wait over 10 days until the timer for Smuggler’s Haven runs out.


Normally when we master a purchased Secret District, it disappears and you can pay again to unlock it. Now the district will remain for the duration of the timer.


This shouldn’t surprise any of us. Zynga pulled the same tactic when Skill Point Reallocation was launched. They realized after the fact that it was a great deal and nerfed the feature so it would appear randomly. Initially is was present in the Marketplace at all times and you were limited on how many you could purchase. Now it shows up randomly and most of us miss out (1).

Many who were able to master Smuggler’s Haven multiple times have reported that all but one of their mastery item, Ballistic Bliss, were removed from their inventory. This is not something intentional and is not part of the nerf. If this has happened to you, contact Customer Support. Mandy found a thread on the Zynga forums and shared it on our fan page.  Big Delicious, Super Moderator, made the following reply to a the thread (1).

Ballistic Bliss [170/74]

BigDeliciousBigDelicious is looking for cookies.Super Moderator

DefaultIt's been determined as a bug, for those of you who have expressed completing of the SD and not receiving the appropriate amount of Ballistic Bliss. I'll let Customer Support know to assist you. Thanks locking this thread. If you have any other issues concerning this please do start another thread and we'll be sure to look over it.

Thanks to Doug for providing me the information for this post and to all who posted their Customer Support transcripts on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.


  1. It still makes no sense. If they're worried that it's "too good of a deal," then the rational move would be to charge more, not to take it off the market at any price. I guarantee people will still pay for this at 50RP, some (but fewer) at 75. (Either is still a better option than buying the mastery loot and the SP separately.)

  2. It looks like this time Zynga have nerfed themselves..Just goes to show that they really do not have much of a clue..

  3. Are you money spenders that ignorant and self-centered? If you continue gaining soooo much strength and health there wont be anyone left in the game but you. Is that what you want? A pay to play game? It has been made public that only 3% of Zynga's player base pays. The DAU of Mafia Wars continues to slide. But, I guess you guys do give credence to the saying "The rich are stupid". You need the free players. You just need to realize that or the game will be done.

  4. Somebody successful to get blisses back?

  5. LOL-I would of had to spend money in a few days-Now I can just sit on the RP I already have.

  6. Please put the full post back in the RSS feed. Opening the full post is a PITA and the blog colors are so horrible that they give me a headache.

  7. Yesterday I had 18, now I have 1. Arg!
    Off to try the fun of customer support i guess...lol.
    Btw for the record, i am a free player. And really, w/o players who buy rp, do you think Zynga would keep the game alive? Im more pragmatic. If Zynga stopped making money on the game, they would kill it off. They arent some charitable company, providing free games to the world, just cause. They are a business, in business to make money.

  8. Are you money spenders that ignorant and self-centered? If you continue gaining soooo much strength and health there wont be anyone left in the game but you. Is that what you want? A pay to play game? It has been made public that only 3% of Zynga's player base pays. The DAU of Mafia Wars continues to slide. But, I guess you guys do give credence to the saying "The rich are stupid". You need the free players. You just need to realize that or the game will be done. and I OGREE - SO KEEP PAYING AND PLAY WITH YOUR SELVES HA HA HA

  9. i can not spent money even if i have and want because paying with mobile phone dont work and credit cards from my erea dont exept but i must b crazy to s'0pent on game 10 $ its 2 days life and drink ,food for my wife & me. come on games are for chirldren not to old people have game .WHO IS SPENT MORE?


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