Jan 12, 2012

The Mini Effect


Everybody hates upgrading these Limited Time Properties. It's a pain to manually beg and the latest, The Assassin's Academy, is out of control (1). When a feature is beneficial to Zynga, they go a little overboard. In addition to the copious amounts of spam these properties generate, I'm sure all of us are guilty of purchasing a building part here or there to get to the next level.
There are no signs of a slow down. Loot items and server images for the another property with 15 Levels have been located (1).
Another benefit to Zynga is these properties raise the application metrics. It's almost impossible to get enough mafia members to click on your part requests so many have resorted to breaking out old minis or using accounts from friends and family members who don't play Mafia Wars. This in turn has increased the number of Daily Active Users that are reported by Facebook. The Assassin's Academy hit Mafia Wars on January 9th. It's no coincidence that a growth spike emerged on January 10th.
(all application graphic and statistics are from App Data)
Jan 10th: 560,000
Today the DAU metrics are up to 600,000 which is 50,000 more than it was on the day of the Assassin's Academy release.
Jan 12th: 600,000
Jan 9th: 550,000
If this is Zynga's solution to increase their number of players, they may want to reconsider. Facebook is taking preventative measures to eliminate accounts that don't belong to real people. Many find when they log into an old alternate account that they must provide a phone number to verify it's authenticity. You can't use a number that is already in the system. The only workaround for this is to go buy a burner phone or use Google Voice to get a different number. Most just accept the fact that they lost an account and create a new one. 
All Zynga needs to do to stop this insanity is let us help more than 5 people at a time. There are conflicting reports on how often you can help your mafia members but many claim they can every 8 hours. I also noticed that I can help 6 people and not 5 as indicated by the message. If we could all help each other we would be happier and upgrading Limited Time properties would be less stressful. I worry that for every account opened or created to click on property posts and increase Zynga's metrics, a real player decides to quit.

Thanks to Daniel Waldron for providing the Google Voice tip.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I preferred it back when you got a building part in return to helping friends. I think I leveled up my zoo in 2 days that way.

    Now with the limit caps, I barely get to level 5 on the limited properties.

  2. I Finally quit Mafia wars after The Botanical Garden as at that point after 2 years of loyally playing i really had had enough and could take no more of these never ending NY Properties. I knew that was it for me and could take no more so i informed all my 2000 strong mafia of my decision to quit the game but will still help others if i can. Sad that i no longer play personally but Believe me it is with HUGE RELIEF that i am no longer worrying about having to constantly spam my friends newsfeeds begging for help on a never ending basis. #Hallelujah!

    1. so let me see if I got this straight. you quit mafia wars but still read the loot ladys blog???

    2. if it was so bad, then don't build it then.

    3. If you read correctly it say's they have stopped playing personally! but that they will still help their mafia where they can! I Go on and off games myself but still like to keep in the loop of things re MW Loot Lady, The Sims Social etc etc....

  3. Just did a little testing. 8 hours ago I had 5 "friends" hit 5 of my any part links. Then just now I had the same 5 "friends" hit 5 of my any part links, at which point "they" were informed of the 5 a day limit. Then I hit one of my specific part links, and three other friends specific part links with the same accounts, and each sent.

    So I would assume its help on "5 any" and "5 specific" part posts every 8 hours.

    I've also been collecting 3-5 from upgrade posts every 8 hours

    1. That's the way it has been working for me up until today. Now I am limited to 5 parts of any & specific parts since early this morning (about 18 hours now).

  4. If a majority of players decide to boycott the LTP's (like I have been doing from day 1) Zynga might reconsider their policy of forcing players into an endless begging mode.

  5. Many of us have opted to NOT build the new properties coming out. Period. No spam, no stress, no hassle. No carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking and clicking into eternity

  6. here"s another bright idea. at least make each begging post a give one-get one click like it is with several other things

  7. I am losing people on a daily bases over these NY Properties , people are totally sick of them "myself included". Personally i have stopped doing them and am about ready to just block the game that i use to love.

  8. The new property is really pissing people off. Everyone knows they have to get maximum results from every post to even have a chance of upgrading to level 15 and getting the dreaded "You have already sent 5 parts today" post in response to your good faith click on your friends post is alienating more players. This seems to be Zynga's forte, the one thing they excel at. The recent financial news article that 'dooms' Zynga is spot on.

    On a positive note, I really like the new MWLL blog format. Especially the ability to reply directly to individual comments.

  9. Jenny for nrxt "limited time property start" start promoting BOYCOT! You know the way you promote PAC Party etc...
    Players are listening to you!

  10. I have 2 mini's i use on a regular basis and they are locked damn it.

  11. 6 link - it works even more if you have already sent the maximum. This is a request chatey not out of the house, and out of the building (where you can ask only one). 5 ask the main and ask for the sixth out of the building!

  12. Not sure if your theory is correct, those numbers drop and rise often for no apparent reason. Today the DAU dropped dramatically to 210 000. Maybe it's an error but such a low mumber wouldn't really surprise me.

    Oh well I'll never make it to level 15 with fewer people helping and all the restrictions; enough already with those damn properties.


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