Jan 18, 2012

Last Day For End Of Days & Mafia Poker


There are less than 24 hours to finish up the End Of Days Limited Time Mission and Mafia Poker. Most should probably get to accept one last round of Poker Cards before it ends. To save gifts, it's a good idea to see where you are and if it will be practical to try for the next level of mastery. Based on probabilities, you will need 10 cards for every win.
To save gifts, it's a good idea to see where you are and if it will be practical to try for the next level of mastery. Based on probabilities, you will need 10 cards for every win. I didn't like how this event sucked up all my Free Gifts and probably won't be very excited if we get a new "season".  There are too many features in the game that rely on free gifts and a limit of 250 doesn't cut it. If Zynga wants to continue with Mafia Poker, they need to raise the gift limit or offer other ways to get Poker Cards.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Yeah, with it called "season" you can bet your ass there's going to another bunch of 'em.

  2. it ends later today but they already turned poker cards into mystery bags late last night

  3. And to top it all off - 'Poker Cards' gifts expired and turned into Mystery Bags 14 hours before the event ends!

  4. Why not extend end of days 24 hours too. it seems impossible to have completed without spending RPs. I spent some and still have 3 builds left and only 8 hours or so left...

  5. I am seeing 1 day and 13 hours left now for poker. Did they extend it?

  6. Poker has been extended, go nuts lol

  7. I surprisingly reach Emerald level after collecting just over 1000 cards. Wins seemed to come very easy except between win 100 and 130 which was less than 50%... I figured I would have no chance because the damn gold everyone sent knocked over 100 cards past the 250 limit while I slept the day before the last day. The extra day was a bonus but I actually made it with 9 hrs to spare on the original expiry time. A very dumb 'game' if you ask me. It could be good, however. They need to offer more points for better hands or something to force you to 'play' poker. Clicking show until you win 150 times against the probabilities is just a dumb waste of time :)

  8. lucky for some - I never saw the end of days mission and even emailing zynga and Loot lady never helped me when I emailed her as well !!!!!


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