Jan 13, 2012

Group Sale: Rivet Leather


The Group Sale is back in the Marketplace. The item is a Rivet Leather and the stats increase as more people buy it. In the past these items have never made it to the Ruby Level and rarely make it to Gold. The difference this time around is the timer is for 7 days instead of 24 hours.
If you buy loot from the Marketplace and catch the Group Sale items early, it may be a good deal for you. I broke down and purchased one. If it doesn't make it to Ruby then I will never buy another. For details on how the Group Sale feature works (minus the extended timer), go here.
Three days ago there were 11 groups of items with mastery levels added to the inventory (1). I was right when I predicted they would be group sale items.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This time it should work to get the ruby one! We have now one week instead of 24 hours like at the previous group sale items! :)

  2. Still wasting RP on loot is no-braniner!
    RP should only be spent on skill as loot becomes ALWAYS obsolte.

  3. You folks are hilarious. Who in their right mind would pay 25 or 30 RP for this mediocre loot? This whole thing is set up to suck people into thinking they can get a 40 RP item for less RP. Well guess what? The item in question isn't even worth 15 RP, so everybody gets ripped off!

  4. I notice on your picture it's at about 20% on the bronze level and says "1581 left until next upgrade." That works out to roughly 2000 for the bronze level. It is now at about 15% of the silver level and says "3440 left until next upgrade." That works out to roughly 4000 for the silver level. It'll probably require 6 or 8 thousand for the gold level to complete. Are these numbers similar to the 1 day events?

    In any case, I would never pay 25 or 30 RP for something other people pay 15 RP for. That's just not fair.


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