Jan 6, 2012

End Of Days: Time & Energy Stats


When new Limited Time Missions are launched, many players rush and do them as fast as they can. I always post walk throughs but to most they are old news. Players often post images of Mission Pages on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page in record time. This time around that didn't happen and most waited for the walk though. I didn't realize when I started that I was going to have to spend a fortune in Reward Points. I thought about not posting a walk through but my OCD got the best of me.
When I finished and saw my Reward Point balance, I was disgusted. That walk through is probably the last one I will make if Zynga continues with this trend. To see it in all it's glory, go here. I decided to review the tasks and calculate how long it would take to complete this Mission if Reward Points weren't used. The chart below assumes a player did not have to wait to complete the first action and the second a timer runs out the next action is taken. It also assumes that the other tasks not requiring a wait time will be completed. Obviously in real life this won't happen. Timers will be missed. The total wait time in a perfect world would be 394 hours which is about 16 and a half days. The timer on this Mission is only 14 days.

Mission Part Longest Task Timer
Total Time
Buy Off
1 Make 18 Items in the Speakeasy
2 Activate 12 Crew Members In Brazil
3 Declare A War 4 Times
4 Build 4 Vehicles in the Chop Shop
5 Win 6 Wars*
7 Make 12 Items From Your Workshop
9 Build 8 Weapons in the Weapons Depot
10 Collect From Your Headquarters 6 Times
16.4 Days

In addition to the extensive wait times, there are also steep energy requirements. Even if players catch their timers, they may not have the resources to complete the tasks requiring energy shown below. 

Mission Part Job Location Required Energy Total Energy
2 District 5
60 675 40,500
3 District 5
(25 Beer Barrels)
972 34,992
5 District 6
40 1,130 45,200
7 District 6
60 1,129 67,740
8 District 6
(40 Mediators)
1,080 85,320
Total 273,752*
*The energy cost in Parts 3 and 8 are an estimate based off one run each. The runs used to calculate the number of jobs required and energy consumed are shown below.
Part 3 Job Task
Part 8 Job Task

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Most people will NEVER complete this Mission
    in time....Do we stop now....LOL

  2. this might be the final limited mission

    I might be thinking they are going to release more difficult events than this

    and eventually make more people to quit

  3. Thank you for having OCD and posting the walk-thru (all of them, actually). They are a tremendous help.

  4. they are trying to kill the game.... I've spent a little on this as i enjoy it but the whole thing is a big tactic on Z's part

  5. don't u think that zynga are putting too much pressure on the events

    after this mission we still have 2 propertys to upgrade

    i'm thinking that this might be the end of mw

    and i think it will fall somewhere this year

  6. thanks for the detailed breakdown,, u do a great service for all MW players. I'll continue to play MW but skip these "pay to play" mission impossible.

  7. may not have? many players will never have resources to complete the missions. No ordinary mouse can survive the clicks.

  8. As soon as I saw the first mission requirement I decide to skip this one entirely. Thanks Jen, for validating my thought that it was a pay-to-play exercise.

  9. Zynga must be getting desperate! Personally, I'm not spending a single RP on this!

  10. Thank you very much for your effort! I read your blog daily and it really helps me a lot.
    I think this LT Mission will just make more damage to what's left of MW. Since it's not possible to make it, I'm done with the running. I haven't payed to play, and I will not do it now.
    I'm a balanced level 1600 player, and even knowing that is not very much, I think this rank should be enough for going through any tasks without working as hard as last LT Missions required.
    Greedy Zynga, you are definitely killing MW on purpose!
    Thanks again MW Lootlady!

  11. Zynga is after every cent from the die hards with CC. They don't care about the 80% who love the game without spending money. But they don't realize or could care less that as the easy ices leave in droves the CC players will get bored..

  12. I'm so glad Zynga is helping me kick this bad habit.

  13. i have many changes at mmy mission. part 2 is not more 60x the job,now 30. from 10x declare war to 4x. and many more

  14. they changed the first part from Make 18 Items in the Speakeasy to make 6 ...

  15. they changed mission 1 already... only 6 instead of 18 items in speakeasy

  16. Zynga has made the mission a lot easier.

    #1 only needs 6 speakeasy items now (from 18)
    #2 only needs 30 times the negotiate-job (from 60)


  17. zynga's end of days means when all loyal gamers quit playing zynga's game ..

  18. It looks like Zynga have changed this mission over night.
    I was not going to buy of this mission either and was about to build another 6 items from the Speakeasy, but noticed it had been ticked.
    You now only have to build 6 items.

    I have a screen shot if you need one for your blog.


  19. They wanna rob us. But i give not 1 cent. Pay for Bug or pay and pray. Also at Back Alley Business the parts dont drop. Used more than 150.000 Energy and nothing. Last 7 Levels not even 1 part. They think i pay for the 5 ATT ? F... them. Never. And the Mission. Here changed nothing

  20. Zynga aka MoneyMachine.... fuc***g Reta**s

  21. I feel the same about these missions - and won't spend an rp on completing any portions of them as well as won't spend the now 50 cents done as a separate transaction on my cc to purchase a property upgrade item -

    What I WAS surprised to see this morning when I woke up - is that they without the necessity of me ....itching - completed that one mission for me and I still needed to do one more of the speak easy things -

    but I will say - zynga - cheap cheesy rat basterds :-D

    Sunny - MSM


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