Dec 1, 2011

Running Out of Original Ideas


With so much loot items in the inventory, it must be difficult for Zynga when it's time to think of something new. Here are two examples posted on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page of what Zynga has resorted to when they just can't come up with an original idea. Inverting an image, changing the color and calling it something new isn't fooling anybody. People notice. Dave McLaren noticed that the new upcoming Collector's Edition Item, the Island Hopper from the Hallow Warrior Event.
David Haedrich pointed out that the Foxy which is the current Gift Mastery Grand Prize looks just like the Magma Magnifique which was a Lucky Stash item and later on a Operation reward.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Hey, Zynga! Here's an original idea for you: Tighten up the dang code and scrape the "beta" off the name plate. The game is 3 years old, FFS! If you would just accept that some customers are devoted to the game AS WAS and quit screwing with it (and us), back off all the ditzy crapola you keep chunking out and return the game to a playable, sensible state. Your numbers might start heading north of 0 again.

    As it is, there's a much better flash app game out there that at least stays true to the mafia/gangster/family theme that is stealing your players left and right. It's even fun.

  2. They will never remove BETA from the name of the game because then they would be held accountable for all the glitches, bugs, etc.

  3. So, the Brazilian Real post was a life saver. I sold all my stuff to complete Brazil, then got burned on the last 2 secret stages because I had no money and no items LOL Thanks so much!


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