Dec 1, 2011

Extra Briefcase Guns Don't Convert to Mystery Bags


The good news is we can now accept an unlimited number of Briefcase Guns, the bad news is extras no longer convert to Mystery Bags. Once you accept enough gifts to gold master the Briefcase Gun.....
....all you extra Briefcase Guns will return the message that "You just accepted: Briefcase Gun! Current mastery: Gold.
You do get 5 boosts per gift so accepting these requests after you mastered the gift is not a complete waste. If you don't want the boosts then you have a decision to make. You can either accept them so the players who sent them to you get a return gift or you can ignore them.  Unlike the Harry & Kumar boosts, they won't expire.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. 24hours i can't accept any Briefcade Gun "game told me is limited" and i reached my limit on 4/16 on golden tier yesterday now ihave like 50 in ZMC.... andreceive some errore...... again bug... or

  2. Please don't say "anyways" --oh puleeeze ! Sorry, but you need to learn English!

  3. @anonymous, this is a blog not a award winning novel that people pay money to read. I don't have time to edit so many of my posts are not 100% on the grammar. If I had editors or took the time to edit the posts myself that type of error would not happen. And by the way I can say whatever I want and little jealous trolls won't get me to stop doing what I'm doing. I can't help that so many people read this blog and ignore so many that other attempt to start and fail. Grammar mistakes haven't caused me to lose readers so "puleeeze" go someone where else to troll.

  4. @ Anonymous, why criticise MW Lootlady when obviously you reed her brilliant blogs or you wouldn't be on this site in the first place.How dare you!! To judge ones grammar when you obviously need help in this area is stupid and petty!! Thousands of us appreciate all that MW Lootlady does to aid and enhance our game play and in her own time... Get a life idiot!! I Thank you MW lootlady xxx


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