Dec 30, 2011

2 More Limited Time Properties


Leonard found server images of two more Limited Time Properties. Players are really getting sick of these things. One looks like a Mansion and the other a air hanger.
No new loot items have been added to the inventory so we don't know what we will be able to build and most no longer care. This discovery blows the theory that Zynga would stop when they ran out of slots for these properties. I guess there will be a fourth row, there is room. They really don't understand the less is more principle.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. these look kinda like the family property shadows?

  2. nevermind, they changed the shadows......

  3. Are we sure these are limited time properties or could they be the images for the 2 remaining family properties?

  4. depends on the build benefits, as long as they are an improvement

  5. are we positive that these arent family properties? One can live in hope!

  6. This is just like last year when they did all of the gifting events one after the other, each right on the heels of the last. Maybe they are trying to kill the game - spamming events people hate, screwing over people that actually do spend money on the game. After some of the comments around the IPO, I really think they have no idea what they're doing or truly how to run a business. It takes so little to keep existing customers happy and so much more effort to lure new customers into a business. What's more, I'd bet that the vast majority leave Facebook gaming altogether. When it all goes bye-bye, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves.

  7. i have not been able to get even one part i do not think they post when i ask for them.. the last 3 properties have been a bust.. great work zynga

  8. I didn't do the last one and won't do this one until the up the skill points or make our easier. I'm finished with the districts and I'm waiting on a new city.

    In conclusion, fuck zynga

  9. Why are they having us build so many properties when we are only allowed to build 5 at a time and most are useless anyway

  10. Jen - Isn't Zynga reading your blog..i think if they read your blog they will know where they really's sick that they still think we love spamming our news feeds and zyngons think this is fun...another 2 properties..they better not roll it out...Zynga pls replace ur team quickly..i heard that a new MW team is going to be in place...hope they bring the change we are looking forward for...

  11. I'm willing to bet that we'll get a pilot and some type of a light aircraft from the hanger. Possibly a mechanic.

  12. I stopped building them, and I know others that are burned out on them.
    SPAM the walls to death again...

  13. yup like we could craft ALL of it

  14. At first, I enjoyed some of the limited time properties because 1) the level 10 loot item helped, 2) the skills advance also helped, and 3) I was able to 'rest' the Armory and Zoo and rebuild the stockpiles of SP and EAF.

    Later, I still enjoyed the LTP for the skill points despite the spam strain they put on family and mafia.

    Now, the LTP loot no longer benefits, the SP and EAF are easily replenished with the relaxed gifting improvements, and the LTP only benefit Family Progression if maxed to level 10. With a Family of 80 and a mafia of 3300 it still took 24 hours to reach level 3.

    Zynga has made attaining level 10 a hopeless quest for non-money players, resulting in less cooperation clicking the spam posts. It's now a difficult quest even for money players (witness 11th hour increases in requirements for levels 9 and 10 as the deadline closes in). And the latest property is requiring the most ever parts despite cutting 6 days off the limited time frame.

    If you are in a Family, you have discovered that only a Level 10 property will help you to max the Property requirement each day.

    Zynga knows they have you by the short curlies and display it by forcing you to complete a few levels of a property you don't want in order to complete the Event Party quests. To me this is worse than the ridiculous cross-game promotions.

    This time, I'll wind down the rant with a Huge Thank You to Jennifer and minions for their efforts on our behalf.

    Only playing the game now to support the Family and chat with friends made over the years while playing (and THAT requires very little MW or FB interaction). Pardon me while I try to get 300 ices in Brazil with less than 100K stam in a timely manner (before the event collapses, or I do).

  15. Is it possible they're family properties?

  16. If you look carefully at the screenshot or your properties tab... there is space for 6 more properties :-( 1 spare slot on the current row and a whole blank row of 5.

  17. unless the stats for new properties are better than the orignal new york properties with their 6points for most, I have now stopped these, maths dedicates that there is little point going for 4pts vs 6pts.

  18. Whatever they look like or are, its just Nother incentive tfor players who want to fully upgrade to purcase Reward Points. Who the hell wants to keep on copying and pasting and begging for these parts each day??????????

  19. 3 new aircraft in the inventory for the hangar, just so everyone knows

  20. idk who I hate more now...Zygna for this crapppy begging all the time which I so tired of and about to give up on or ABC TV for canceling the best SOAPS on TV.........


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