Nov 29, 2011

Future Heal Gradients?


The following message is being passed around and shed some insight as to what Zynga plans on doing about the health problem that they created. This is not official, I don't know where it came from and I don't know if it's true. It certainly isn't true at the moment but could possibly be a message intended to posted in the future.

We have made changes to healing timers in the last few weeks to prevent players from continuously healing themselves with no side effects. It was never our intent to create a game environment where players could heal forever without the possibility of being iced, and we have taken steps to correct this problem by placing diminishing returns on healing.

The old 40 second heal timer is no longer a fixed number for anyone in game, and the time between heals will increase gradually with each consecutive heal that a player makes."

It sounds legitimate and the last episode of Mafia Wars Live Jeff mentioned that there were going to be some changes in how we heal (1). This was his reply while answering a forum submitted question. Only time will tell if this is something we will see in game or just a rumor.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Does Zynga really think I am going to take even more time out of my day to work around their new gradient heal timer to get my daily ices and my ice seasons?.... Does anyone on the MW dev team actually bother to play the game and understand it? Health is an issue so add 5rp health boosts and a Chicago boost then totally go out of our way to screw the health stat point. Haven't been this irked with zynga since they changed stamina costs and screwed those who paid 2 for 1 on them.

  2. won't make a much of a difference. collecting in chicago makes even a modest amount of health a stamina drain. and I'd lay money on there being no timer on healing with rps, so the people who don't want to be iced, still won't be iced. would have preferred a button that just attacked 25/50 times per click.

  3. Instead of Zynga Nerfing Health to those who have spent $$ upping it, or to those who have low health, Zynga should consider revamping the current "+5 attack" button with an additional "+100 attack" button option to use against those with high health, so enough attacks could be done to get the ice before the timer is up.

    This could help solve both the healing issue and give honest players a chance against those players who use auto scripts such as Battlefield, which could in return cut down on the use of auto attack scripts, without totally screwing over the people who have spent lots of skill points on health, or hurting the people who have low health even worse having a diminishing return on health.

    Also, I am sure Zynga will not give skill point reallocation to those who have spent lots of money on upping their health that will be complaining (like myself) if that is implemented. lol

  4. Interesting - seems at odds with the reduced healing costs, though - especially if Zynga "wants us to be healthy so we can populate their ever dwindling fightlist with live bodies."

    Would have made a bit more sense just to cost more for each heal, if anything - but leaving it alone would be better.

    If this is true, yet another stupid move and game killer. I do confess to having some doubts, though, because of the statement:

    "It was never our intent to create a game environment where players could heal forever without the possibility of being iced"

    If that was "never their intent" I have to wonder then why they "created a game environment where players" could purchase loot with their credit card to "eliminate the possibility of being iced"?

  5. where players could heal forever without the possibility of being iced,

    WTF? How will it increase the possibility of being iced, when it takes longer to heal?

  6. Hmm Wouldn't it be unfair for those who have a small health pool...
    That means those who are playing the Family Battle who are trying desperately to protect the safe house are being punished for healing again and again and again.. while those who have a large pool of health continue to hit the little guys with minimum healing...
    This also wil create another problem with the icing event where everyone tries to ice somebody in the fight list... and end up being punish for healing so many times.
    If it's true then we will see a lot more players jumps ship....

  7. I hope Zynga kills this game ASAP!
    I would like to get my free time back!

  8. Zynga has found a way to stop the unlimited healing...I was healing to keep from being iced the other night while being attacked by a guy using Battlefield. No biggie, that's the game, but Zynga locked my account with that 'unusual behavior' box. As soon as I got iced, they unlocked me and let me heal again. I have been trying to get an answer out of them as to why they locked me and not the attacker. So far, all I've gotten are canned answers and the runaround.

  9. The law of unintended consequences continue to smack Zynga in the face, and they continue to ignore it.

  10. Healing time probably would have an affect on the person trying to DO the icing than it would on the players using bots to avoid being iced. Players with high enough health using auto-healers seem to be able to avoid being iced EVER. But the main reason this is true is the lag in the servers when fighting that keeps the attacker's hits from registering fast enough to get the icing done. I play manually and that is how I see it...changes in healing would hurt the attacker more than the bot user trying to avoid being iced.

  11. I have the healing gradients :(

  12. Once again Zynga is punishing success.

    In most endeavors in life, the more experience you have the higher the rewards are. In ZyngaSpeak that apparently means that you get to work harder to obtain the same rewards as a person that's just started.

    Of course, after reading about the work environment at ZyngaLand it's not surprising that attitude would prevail into the game development as well :(

  13. OK Think about this.... I have 8000 Health, it used to cost me over 64 million to heal so anything below that is cheap!

    Also this will Make Health more important, the more you have the less you will need to Heal

  14. I agree, a 100x attack button would have been a better option. It's no fun not getting an ice from an auto-healer. I guess I'll need 20k in health now. ;-)

  15. "Anonymous said...
    I hope Zynga kills this game ASAP!
    I would like to get my free time back!"

    ME too!

  16. Well this has rendered the 'health timer reduction' mastery rewards are a piece of shit.

    Its going to kill the bullet proof achievement, I don't know anyone who can withstand an hour on the hitlist without constant healing.

    Fuck its going to kill the hitlist, won't be worth trying to stay alive.

    I have put alot of effort into building my health because I was always iced before I could fight. if they bring this in, they better start dealing with the bully issue, make it so people can only ice you once every 15 or so minutes so we can get a chance to fight without being iced instantly.

    Can anyone say clusterfuck ?

  17. Zynga SUX!
    Health: 8040 , and I'm still gonna build +35 health a day.

  18. Seeing this stuff bugs. Zynga is always screwing stuff up then "balancing" it out later our of "fairness" to weak players.

    So those of us that adapted our game to their first health screw up have built our health up to try and make their mistake work the best we can for our game and now they are going to "fix" it. Which just means those of us that adjusted are going to get screwed.

    If zynga wants a fair fix then they should just cap health at 1000 or 2000 or wherever they want and free any additional skills a player currently has in his/her health stat for the player to reallocate them to where they want.

    It would be an easier and more fair fix than yet more changes in how the fundamental structure of the game is by introducing a completely lame new way of health which is just bound to screw up the game in another area losing even more players cuz they are ticked about the money/skills/time they spent on building their health. This way zynga can get rid of the high health gaining builds and just go back to how it was before.

    For some reason zynga doesn't fix their mistakes by going back to what worked before their misleadingly "brilliant" new idea. Instead of doing that to fix the one poor change, they introduce 10 more poor changes. That's how they have taken a near perfect game and turned it into the mess it is today. The original was far better than what they have today.

    Zynga = We invent the perfect wheel on our first try...but then we will improve it until its a pile of rubble.

  19. Zynga has found more ways to suck a wallet dry then anything I've seen. This new tactic just guarantees those will money can buy health. If we didn't have to worry about being attacked from others while IN battle that would help. This is another half thought out idea and if you ever fought the high levels... several have Zynga admins as players who can just change want they want without it even hurting them specially like creating a mini clan that they fight just so they can advance the clan without actually fighting....
    I think the battles are so skewed anyway. Our clan sends out request and they expire in 30 minutes but the family sent to can hold on to it for 4 days???? now how fair is that? I love MW but they have made the game so hard to keep up with and unfair to anyone just trying to start.... if I was a NEW player I wouldn't even try playing. Hell with a small clan just trying to meet Family quotas is a killer

  20. I don't see why people think this is a bad thing. Longer heal periods seem to favor good game play. I'd also agree with the person who suggested the x50/x100 attack options. That would also make fighting better.

  21. will finish playing mw. it's every day worsen

  22. I fight a lot. I get attacked so often though that I often have to wait to heal because I get killed every minute. How is waiting longer to heal making the game better for those of us that fight a lot? Sometimes I hardly get any attacks in before I am dead.I have no idea how people are keeping from being iced or what loot or rewards people got that helped them with this.They don't need to make it harder for those of us that just like to fight as the shark tank is hard enough. I would much prefer they made the game more fair. For instance, only let people fight in their range level give or take say 500 points. It is a game flaw in my opinion, that people 1000 levels up to 20,000 levels above you can attack you. This would also cut back on bullying which, people dismiss as whining but it is a real issue for some.

  23. I've already been experiencing this in my account. I wondered what was up. The timer resets back to 40 after you get iced, but it sucks when you're trying to fight off multiple attackers for an extended period of time, because you're eventually going to get iced, no matter what you do (unless you're spending RPs). Means having high health is no longer a safe haven to stop from being bullied.

  24. "Once again Zynga is punishing success.

    In most endeavors in life, the more experience you have the higher the rewards are. In ZyngaSpeak that apparently means that you get to work harder to obtain the same rewards as a person that's just started."

    LMAO!! It has nothing to do with "punishing success" and everything to do with the Zynga developers not thinking about the consequences of letting us build so much health so easily.

    I know players with no defense to speak of that are loaded with health. They lose a ton of fights, but they can stay alive and not get iced because of the massive amounts of health and the auto-healers. How is this punishing success? This is trying to undo what they screwed up in the first place so the game is somewhat playable.

    IMO, this game really started going downhill when they added the NY properties. It blew everything up and let people get masses amounts of stats especially if they were willing to waste their money on the game. I used to be very competitive in the game until my friends decided to start spending and then they left me in the dust. How exactly were they more successful than I was? They didn't outplay me. They simply spent money on the game.

  25. What's really disappointing about this game is the constant rule changes. I started playing when each stamina point cost 2 skill points. When they changed the rules I didn't get any compensation for it. This doesn't matter to a big time money player, but it means a lot to someone building up their account by game play only.

    Whenever they change the rules, the strategy changes and it's not fair to the long-term players that aren't putting a crap load of money into the game. I used to care about defense and then defense didn't even matter with all the health. I wish I had all those defense points back now. They added the reallocation, but that's hardly a fix for the problem.

  26. Greed killed this game! Almost all of the decisions made for this game were a result of trying to squeeze money out of people. The company is going to be worth Billions when it goes public. How much is enough?

  27. Weaker players and stronger players are part of the game. The more you play the stronger you get-if you understand the game or have a credit card. It takes time to get stats and some people don't understand that. Zynga, stop catering to the newer, weaker players and let them spend their time building. You have to take your licks getting to the top. I'm taking mine and giving them too. Fix the known errors before you change the game.

  28. I am glad if zynga change Mafia Wars to MafiaVille.. lol

  29. Those who are auto-healing so they don't get iced are morons to begin with. Why? Because they are taking thousands of fight losses that do show in their profile page stats, whereas being iced does not show in their stats. Deaths do, but not being iced.

  30. Well obviously the game is permanently flawed in all areas. Their is no easy cure to the Health issue. The problem doesn't lie total in auto heal. If a person had moderate health, and zynga servers could keep up, the person could, and still can be iced. The main problem is that a game becomes severely flawed when someone can purchase their way to Personal Statistics that could not be achieved through, limited purchases and normal game play. There should be some benefit to players who largely built their account through game play; with purchases being temporary like a stamina boost and limited in other ways. That's why the game will always be flawed, besides Zynga glitches, poor service etc...Heck, how can it even be called a game or considered a game. I could spend three years of playing daily, and countless hours and someone can just come along and within a month have a "Super Account". The auto scripts aren't the real problem, and neither are higher players attacking lower players (although maybe they could put a limit on the number of attacks per day on lower levels based on their level, increase the duration before one enters the shark tank, say level 1200). The problem though lies that Zynga allowed a lot of people to invest so much money in their accounts to build them to super proportions, and then unleash them on others. If you look at professional sports or even classic games like monopoly, you don't use your credit card to beat your opponent. Game play is regulated to reward smart or talented players.

  31. I'm selling my account. This does it. Eff you Zynga.


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