Nov 14, 2011

Family Battle Issues


We all know the Family Battle feature is there. You can't miss it on the Home Page as it's been there since September 16th!
This feature is not very utilized because there is no real incentive to participate. Sometimes Zynga will bribe us with high end loot rewards and that's when most non-warring families participate. I have a feeling their reason for this is to compare data with and without rewards. Eventually Zynga will see that rewards drives players to certain features and make this a permanent rather than a limited time thing.
Choosing who you go to battle with is an important aspect of the Family Battle feature. Zynga doesn't make it easy on family admins because the battle requests don't offer an easy way to size up the family that wants to battle with yours. Thankfully Team Spockholm took care of that by adding family profile links and descriptions of battle types but not all families use scripts.
Zynga Battle Request
-No Family Info or Battle Type
Spockholm Toolbar Battle Request
-Profile and Family Rank Links + Battle Type
Normally you would want to battle with a family that has stats similar to your own. If you battle a much weaker family it's not fun when they are all dead and the Safe House is done. All you can do is wait for the timer to run out. If you are the much weaker family, it's not fun either because you'll get your ass kicked as soon as you heal. A few days ago, the {ASS} Family got a Battle Request from [RYfG] which is one of the strongest families in the game. We didn't need to look up any information to know how this battle would end. When you see something like this in your ZMC, you kind of hope it will go away on it's own. Flat out rejecting Battle Requests seems lame as it lets the other family know you are scared. 
The {ASS} Family decided to give this one a go. I thought it would be cool to post an ice on someone from [RYfG]. That never happened but some very interesting things did. I decided to fight this battle manually because it's much faster than using scripts. I saw first hand some serious problems. With most attacks I made, I got some type of processing error.
Even worse, I got many warnings throughout the battle. In battles, you need to be fast. To get an ice, you need to click as fast as you can or one of your family members will steal it or your opponent will heal. This is what makes fighting fun. Fast clicking in hopes that you can outrun one of the two above mentioned events from happening is a rush. Getting warning messages takes away from the thrill. Not only does it scare you a little but you need to close out the game and reenter to make them go away.
On a few occasions, one warning wasn't enough and Zynga gave me two. If they are going to create a feature that requires fast clicking then they need to stop calling it "irregular behavior" and fix it. Not only does it get in the way of the task at hand, it discourages players from continuing.
The ultimate failure also resulted from this battle. Chakk from the {ASS} Family found his account was temporarily suspended from fighting and gifting. This happened as soon as the battle was over. The suspension disappeared within 24 hours but really? It seems there is more risk involved with doing manual battles than there are using scripts. I honestly don't make this stuff up for dramatic effect. It really happened and Chakk was more than a little concerned about his account.
The outcome of our battle wasn't pretty but most of us had a good time. I really wanted to get a red ice and post it on the RYfG War Page but I couldn't make that happen. The players from RYfG are too strong and have too much health. 
The result pages from both families didn't really provide much insight into how the battle scoring works. I really wish Zynga would post something to let us know how it works. In this battle, the Safe House was not touched on either side as there was always somebody alive. Our collective scores added up to 400 but our battle score was 100. I was never able to ice any players but still had a personal score of 100.
The [RYfG] score card looked much better but nothing useful can be gathered from the data. 
When battle rewards are available, you get them even if you lose a battle. Since I was the third top scorer, I got a superior item. It's a shame that Zynga takes offers and takes rewards away at will. I don't see why giving players who participate in battles one piece of loot is something that should be special. We get 4 items for the Family Boss Fight. The Family Battle feature is fun but most aren't interested because there is no payoff.

Thanks to the [RYfG] Family for requesting this battle. Without it, I may have never seen first hand all the battle problems that need to be fixed. Thanks to [RYfG] Scream MY Name for helping me organize this and for verifying that these battle issues are not just happening to me. Thanks to the {ASS} family for being great sports about this battle and to Chakk for sharing the details of his temporary account suspension.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. did you use quick healer?, i only get that warning message when im using it

  2. LoL Yes it is so much fun battles and those messages happen every battle. Ouffff. They do make you sick. Double messages, Getting killed, bcoz not able to heal. Cannot fight at all. Need to restart the browser. Sometimes 2-3 times in a row. Than you look, your dead, yes offcourse i am, gggrrrrr. The message, this member temporarily cannot be attacked. Huh, restart your browser and yes you can attack him again. Too much, really too much.

  3. your personal 100 points came from someone 'icing' themselves, we recently had a family battle and i had 0 stamina buy my defense is good and i joined and healed to help protect the safe house . I was the 3rd or 4th score and gained 5000 exp

  4. Chakk is lucky if he got restored successfully. I got one of those (also fighting manually), and while my fighting was restored the next day it took five months(!) before my gifting started working again - apparently when they "suspended" it they couldn't get it turned back on.

  5. Rewards....No Rewards....Either way the Battles suck when all you do is lose fight after fight. Like nearly all Mafia Wars features all they do is benefit the strong and and give the lower level and weaker players another reason to quit. Remember, you dont get item drops when you lose fights on the fight page nor within a battle. So one measly item with 130 or so att or def isnt worth the 1000's in fight losses. It is no fun to play dead.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    Rewards....No Rewards....Either way the Battles suck when all you do is lose fight after fight."

    Your family needs to choose battles with other families who are on the same level/ability as your members...

  7. if you get a req for battle you can scout your oponents before accepting by clicking on there name then click the red tag it will take you to there family wall. then you can right click open in new tab any family member you want to test before accepting battle

  8. I dont get it if the Battle requests are only good for a half hour after you challenge, then how come the requests are being accepted 4-5 later when my small 6 member family is no longer online to battle back?

  9. Well not sure i like this new idea of anyone in the family being able to iniciate a family battle, one of zyngas not so bright ideas


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