Nov 22, 2011

Don's Dinner Event Pulled


Players who had the Save Don's Dinner Event on their account will find that it has disappeared. I did mention that things weren't working as they should so maybe they are trying to fix the bugs. Fortunately, I have all my screen shots and a instructional blog post is on the way. This shouldn't surprise anybody because every time Zynga does something outside of the copy/paste realm.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. zynga 'known issues' forum: Save Don's Dinner" Event Not Available
    Issue: Some players are reporting that the "Save Don's Dinner" event is not available in their game.
    Status: Fix in development. Our slow roll-out of the event allowed us to catch a number of bugs serious enough that they must be fixed before we can release the event to everyone. We’ve temporarily removed the event from all accounts while we work to correct the discovered issues. Please check back here for the latest status updates surrounding the release of the "Save Don's Dinner" event.
    How utterly typical of a half assed Zynga release - it's broken before it even arrives.
    How about finally fixing some of the stuff you know is broken before releasing more broken stuff for once Zynga? Too much to ask? .... Obviously since I have been saying it for over a year ... hey ho

  2. What a Surprise!!! NOT!!!

  3. mine is still here --- but it wasn't at 2:46 when you posted. does this mean it's been (in their eyes) fixed?

  4. I am hoping this one goes away. I did a lot of fighting and fretting over the Zombie event, and this one just doesn't interest me. Come on Zynga, give us a fun event that doesn't involve being King of the Hill at the last second!

  5. I still have it and I'm receiving and sending Turkey's and also i'm able to use them for the "Turkey Vision" when fighting

  6. I have mine still but why activate a Thanksgiving slaughter when there is an ice season already active..between the lag and scripts running, its hard to achieve either one

  7. Its bad enough that Zynga has an ice season active, now they throw in a Thanksgiving slaughter..with all the lag and scripts running, its hard to achieve either one


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