Nov 20, 2011

Case of the Missing Confidential Records


The Family Gatherings Limited Time Mission has a bug that may have gone unnoticed if you already mastered District 4 of Chicago. Go to your inventory and see how many Confidential Records you have. Changes are if you worked on this Mission, you have 0.
Now is about the time I would post images of exactly what part of the Mission you lose these consumables. Zynga can start doing their own quality assurance, I'm no longer going to spend large amounts of time testing things on multiple accounts to make reproducing bugs easier for them. Just know that if you complete this Mission, you will no longer own any Confidential Records. Several players have posted about this on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. I worked on this Mission from 2 different accounts that fully mastered Chicago and both over-farmed Confidential Records. These accounts had 0 of them even though I never used up any of the extras I had. If you still need to master District 4, I would do that before working on the Mission. We have seen this type of bug in the past and many lost all of their Body Bags and Computer Set-Ups.
Normally this type of thing isn't a big deal but players who farmed Confidential Records on the Bronze Level to ensure they would have enough to get through all the levels should be pissed. The job to farm more of these things on the Ruby Level costs 864 energy and the drop rate is not 100%. If you still need to do jobs in District 4 and lost your Confidential Records because you decided to do the Limited Time Mission, I would contact Customer Support. Zynga never returned the Body Bags or Computer Set-Ups to all players. They probably hoped most wouldn't notice and Customer Support had to deal with all the players who did.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. If I lost all my farmed confidential records, you can bet I'm going to head my way out of this game

  2. I have noticed that even tho I have these in my account I still have to do the jobs again to regain them or buy them with my retail points to get thru the missions. I have almost gotten thru gold level and have been frustrated that it is taking me so long because I have been doing the first part of the missions again to regain confidential records and like you were saying they dont have a 100% drop rate so I am wasting energy and my time going over something I have already done. Please sort out your issues and give us your loyal mafia family a break!

  3. I still don't have the new mission anyways

  4. This is how Support is dealing with it:

    Dear XXXXXX,
    This is Francisco. XXXXXX, I do apologize for this inconvenience. Please understand that I've checked the information of your case deeply. I sympathize with your situation; however I'm unable to restore the Confidential Records, that you're reporting as missing. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
    Please let me know if you have any other question. I'll be happy to assist you again.
    Happy gaming!
    Francisco E.
    Zynga Player Advocate.


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