Nov 18, 2011

The Assassin NPC by Eike


This Spocklet has been available for a while, but since the last missions did not include any NPCs, it was of no need.
What is an NPC? NPC stands for "Non Player Character", meaning someone in a game that looks like a player, but is not. In Mafia Wars, this means the guys that pop up on the fightlist on event missions and can be killed for stamina. Those that used to break old Brawler, of course Assassin-a-Nator can handle them. Why do I call them NPC? Because Zynga uses that in their code.

Some missions ago there were a lot of parts involving killing 20 or 30 NPCs from the fightlist, that was when I went mad and thought "We need a Spocklet for that." I did some fast coding and created the

Assassin NPC


Now in the current mission, after getting over a lot of waiting tasks, we get another task of eliminating 20 assassins. You can easily get over it with the Assassin NPC.
Start it up, then go to the fight page.
If you are out if health or stamina, or not on the fight page, the Assassin NPC will stop. You can heal using the heal button.
Once you have regained stamina and health, click "Attack".
The Spocklet will start killing...
... and stop once every assassin is dead.
That's it, simple tool to save your click-monkeys.

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Article written by Eike from the Team Spockholm and co-writer to the MW Loot Lady Blog
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thanks a lot :)


  2. I just discovered this. What an incredibly helpful tool! Thanks very much for all your work Eike, and also thanks to Jen's blog for making me aware that it exists.

  3. Wow, Eike, I hate those lurking people on the fight list and this is brilliant!! Thank you so much!


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