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Oct 4, 2011

Where is the New Mission?


The Special Delivery Limited Time Mission expired at 4pm PST. Usually when a Mission expires, a new one shows up within the hour. It's been over an hour and there still is no new Mission.
It would be nice to get a break from these things as it seems we are getting one from Ice Seasons.  A suspicious new loot item was added to the inventory that looks like a Limited Time Mission Grand Prize item. I expect that we will see one at any time now.
The Home Page Current Events Module is looking a little bare. It contains the fewest number of pages I've seen since the Home Page layout was changed.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. New mission is up.

  2. It's here: You Iced My Father, and indeed that's the grand prize. First part is Loot 10 Incriminating Documents from fighting (very easy), Rob 15 properties (successfully) and ask for 10 body bags from your Mafia (which was done upon mission start somehow). Reward is 3 Blind Tigers 148/123, 10 clams, 10 VP and a modestly nice chunk of XP.

  3. It showed up for me a few minutes ago, however, the Chicago missions (the untimed ones) have disappeared completely. Can't they do something without breaking another thing already?

  4. Just arrived.....

  5. I find that these new missions don't appear on my account(s) until I level up. I have no way to verify this 100% but I tried everything to get it to show including signing out of FB, traveling to different cities, robbing, fighting, etc and it appears as soon as I level. Did this on 3 accounts today :)


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