The Daily Take has been updated and it's much different than it was before. Now when you click on the Daily Take Link located at the lower right corner of your Home Page Current Event Module or the Collect Button from the Daily Take banner, you will get something different.
You now get to choose from 6 different items. The items get better with each day.
Click on the "Collect" button under the item that you want and it will be rewarded to you.
You can share the items that you didn't want with your mafia by clicking the "Share this take" button. A news feed post will be generated.
When your mafia members click on "Get daily take reward", they will have the option to choose from the remaining rewards. The rewards will vary on which day of the Daily Take is being shared. You can accept up to 5 of these a day.
Here is the reward screen for the post I generated from above.
I chose the last item and here is the screen I got. The second screen is from a post I found in my news feeds.
6 days ago, I posted about 5 new loot items that were added to our inventory (1). They were all labeled as Special Event items and there were many guesses as to what type of event they would be offered.

If you go past 7 days, the feature becomes The Golden Take. Here is an image from someone who got there. We will have to wait to see what comes next as there shouldn't be anyone above this level at this time. I checked the Official Mafia Wars Blog and the Customer Support page but I think they don't care about informing us anymore. There are many images posted on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page if you want to see more items that are now offered from the Daily Take.
Thanks to TOKO for the mystery loot item images, to Eleonora for the Golden Take image and to all who posted their Daily Take images on the fan page.
Comments are moderated and won't appear right away. For faster feedback to your questions, comment on the Fan Page referenced below.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast. |
So... some people have had this more than 7 days already? I don't have it at all. As usual.
ReplyDeleteEverybody has it, you won't see it until you are eligible to collect your next daily take and it will correspond to the day you are on. So those who were on day 7 for today got the Golden Take. Not sure if it will reset to day one or go beyond 7. We were told on MW Live that it would go beyond.
ReplyDeleteJust had the golden one... It used to be like 5 attk or 15 health, now its 1 def. I mean REALLY?
ReplyDeleteIt better go beyond 7. Day 7 has always been +5 to one of your stats. The screen shot of the current day 7 is shite.
ReplyDelete7 days used to get you 5 ATT/DEF or 15 HEALTH. Now it's 1?! Stamina refill on day 6 gone? Get Satisfaction anyone?
Medic!♠ [MIG]
They'd better start with adding Chicago building parts at least. I've got building parts for the other cities more than enough, and they keep on dropping. For chicago however....fat luck getting something to drop.
ReplyDeleteYep, I'm pretty upset myself to see that the +5 or +15 has gone away for 7 days. I think people login just for that alone, and now to lose it for showing up for our 7 days in a row is sad. I'll also miss the stamina or energy day as well, as if timed right and you know it's that day it always was a help.
ReplyDeleteNot so bad. In the old system first four days was useless s*it. Now you can every day get att/def/stamina/health etc.
ReplyDeleteNew loot is now on the daily take, policewoman, bow-saw etc...