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Oct 3, 2011

New Inventory Loot Items


9 new loot items were recently added to the inventory. The location of 4 items is the Marketplace and 5 of them are labeled Special Event.
Let's take a closer look to see if we can figure it all out. The Red Wolf Exo Suit and the Cruise Rider have the Collector's Edition icon in the upper left corner so it's obvious these are going to be new Collector's Edition items.
The Special Event loot items don't have a common theme so I have no clue what they will be for. We should get a new Mission tomorrow and based on the stats I would pick the Turnstyle to be the Grand Prize. Maybe the other items will be other Mission rewards or we are going to get another event. The Daily Take loot items were put in the Special Event category so it's possible these could be added. I just hope we don't get a Gifting Event. What is missing from this array of loot is a Ice Seasons loot item. Those always have the Ice Season icon in the upper left corner. We are due for a new season tomorrow.
The Rune Piercer and the Jarngreipr are probably just regular old loot items you can buy with Reward Points from the Marketplace.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. they had said they'll be giving other rewards to players who pick the 'daily take' for more than 7 days...... Maybe these are for the same.


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