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Oct 4, 2011

Ice Seasons


If you are looking for the next Ice Season, you won't find it on the Home Page. Since we have always collected the previous seasons loot item and badge from the current banner, I was a little confused on how to collect the Sky Manta. I checked my inventory and it wasn't there.
I went as far as finding an old image the showed I got over 1,500 ices and was ready to go to Customer Support. How annoying!
When I went to the Fight Page, the popup magically appeared and I got the loot and the badge. You would think Zynga would just have this popup appear when you go to the game like they do with the Reward Point discount offers. I'm sure Customer Support will get hit with more than one inquiry about a missing Sky Manta.
It doesn't look like there is going to be a new Ice Seasons as there are no new loot items in the inventory or a Home Page banner. I'm indifferent about this as I still need to get 1,050 ices a week for Family Progression. It's one less loot item I will get but if one less event helps player attrition then I can do without the loot.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. its good to know they are cutting back on all the special events. i still wish they would change the family progression module back to weekly though (or at least give you the option between the two timers.) its way easier for me to play on a day off and get all my ices and other progression marks in one day than to have to login every single day and get them. i don't care how much more you can level up off of the daily timer, it is a chore to have to do it every single day as opposed to when it is convenient for you.

  2. frack ice seasons.... good riddance

  3. was the best thing zyngas added since fight club , i wondering why zynga seems to be turning a fight game into farmville 2 lol

  4. thankss...luckily i went through MWLL page b4 sent complained...

  5. fight boards are running better w/o the extra code for ice season


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