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Oct 2, 2011

Clams or Baht: Which Is More Useful?


Yesterday while opening up some Mystery Bags, I got two items in a row that didn't make me smile. I was a little down on the Clams due to Zynga trying to substitute them for a Skill Point on their fan page. The question I asked myself was which one is more useful? I laugh every time I get Baht from a Mystery Bag and wonder why they could remove an entire destination from the game but not a Mystery Bag item.  Clams would be more exciting if they would add something like the Bangkok Fraction Store to Chicago.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I'm hopefully that a Ruby District event is being added to Bangkok and indeed Moscow and New York much like Cuba to give 4 mastery to all cities. It would make no sense (not that Zynga make sense) to do it to Cuba but NOT the other cities.

    Bangkok for many including myself is still incomplete so another bash would be welcome even with the added mastery :)

  2. Been getting Baht got some in gold bags when the were around .....I think Bangkok is going to come back they say when Cuba returned.....it say that cities would return time to time for limited times ......so Bangkok is next I guess but the question is when before or after the new level in Chicago

  3. Along with that silly Baht, both the Chicago Speakeasy and the Brazil workshop allow you to build satellite phones that were only useful in Bangkok. Maybe they should change those into something a tad more useful.


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