A long time ago, Zynga imposed a level cap of 25,000. There were many glitched accounts that had levels in the million, billions and trillions. These accounts were all rolled back and the level cap was imposed. Players who reached Level 25,000 could no longer level up or gain experience, Reward Points, Skill Points or Energy and Stamina refills. The only way they could play was to use Energy or Power Packs, bonuses or wait for time to regenerate energy and stamina. Today the level cap of 25,000 was increased. Zynga doesn't like to give us information so it's unknown what the new cap is. The bad news for players at 25,000 is they seemed to have nerfed the experience needed to level again. Here are 9 players who are probably very happy to be playing normal (well sort of) again.
Here is a list of Mafia Wars Gods players who have reached this achievement. Go here to check out all the Mafia Wars Gods leaders.
Ironically (or maybe not), we discussed the 25,000 level cap on the last episode of the Informant Podcast and suggested that Zynga raise it because there are too many players who have gotten there. I also heard a rumor that a high roller player got to level 25,000 and Zynga wanted to make him happy. Whatever the reason, many players are happy about this change.
So that's the list of players who have no lives...LOL.