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Sep 17, 2011

Support For Schools


There is another charity cause called Support For Schools that we can help and get cool loot in the process. Mafia Wars will contribute 100% of the proceeds from every Sky High or Sugar Glider to FATEM to fund hot meals and education for children in Haiti though FATEM and the School of Choice.
You can buy one or five items at a time. One item costs $5.00 USD and five items cost $20.00 USD. These are set up like the last charity item in which cash is used instead of Reward Points.
Click on the amount you wish to donate and it will be processed the same as Facebook Credits.
The item(s) will be added to your inventory. If you buy the attack item, you will see that the same old glitch still persists. I would love to know what my attack strength was raised to when I buy attack items.
You will also be thanked for your support.
Share this with your mafia by clicking the "Spread the word to friends" button. This is how you can help even more because your friends might not be aware this option is available.
To learn more about FATEM (Foundation for the Technological and Economic Advancement of Mirebalais), or to make a direct donation, go to www.fatem.org.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. First post in a while that I've seen from you that has no sarcasm whatsoever..

  2. Seriously. I agree. For someone who gets everything done so easily she sure whines an awful lot. What about those of us who can barely get anything done?

  3. Rest of you can work on your skills from New York properties, make your account serial leveling so you can get 6rp per day, it's enough to get 200rp with bugs and secret drops per month, also you will have stamina and energy... you will need few months.

    Btw I thought that is 20000 New York game money, then it sent me to pay pal page lol

  4. @Anonymous 1 & 2: Give Jenn a break, I totally enjoy her posts. And in case you can't comprehend, she is spending her money to finish these events so quickly in order to keep us informed.

  5. @Anonymous #3, thank you.
    @Anonymous #1, sarcasm is my style, if you don't like then don't read it. It would also be a good idea not to troll posts that are about charities for good causes, hence the lack of sarcasm on my end. Please stick to the subject.
    @anonymous #2, if it wasn't so easy for me then I wouldn't have time to help you. Obviously you come to this seeking information. I whine when it's to the benefit of all players and not just myself. It would be easy for you too if you applied some of the knowledge you gained from this site.

  6. "I would love to know what my attack strength was raised to when I buy attack items."

    I'd love to know what my defense strength was raised to when I buy defense items - since mine always shows attack no matter which I buy.

    "I whine when it's to the benefit of all players and not just myself."

    And it's appreciated :)

  7. George W and what makes you think that she spends her money for you (us)? Don't be so naive...

  8. @anonymous above, I spend my money to buy Reward Points to gather a lot of the information I post. If I only cared about my character and not this blog, I would use all the Reward Points, which I pay for, to speed up my crafting timers and only buy Skill Points so indirectly George is right I'm fortunate that there are a lot of readers who click on my ads so the ad revenue pretty much covers the Reward Points.

  9. No Jenny. You don't spend your own money!

  10. @anonymous above, then whose money is it? It comes out of my account. Are you really that stupid to question it?


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