Sep 9, 2011

Marketplace Rewards Cards


Coffee and sandwich shops have them and now Mafia Wars does too. The latest gimmick to get you to spend money on Mafia Wars is the Marketplace Rewards Card. You can see there are 10 punch marks on the card. Every time you purchase Reward Points, you will get a certain number of punches based on the amount you buy. Get 10 punches and you get 15 Skill Points for free.
You can track your progress on the Marketplace main page as well.
They start this thing out with a lie. If you look at the Official Mafia Wars Blog, it clearly states that if you've made a purchase within the last 2 weeks, your Rewards Card will include 1 punch.

"To get you started, if you've made a purchase within the last 2 weeks, your Marketplace Rewards Card will already include 1 punch! Purchasing RPs just got a bit more rewarding, so get some now!"/The Official Mafia Wars Blog

I remember that I took advantage of the 50% off offer two weeks ago and checked on when I made my last purchase. It is a few hours short of two weeks ago and therefore falls within the "last 2 weeks". You can see from the images above that my card does not include 1 punch. I'm sure I could go to Customer Support but they would probably insist I submit a video in 5 different formats of my last Reward Point purchase.

Now is the point in the post where I would have purchased some Reward Points to show you how it worked. I'm still mad at Zynga for screwing me over on the Arch Enemies Gifting Event so I won't be buying anymore Reward Points. I will say that they missed the boat with this one. Reward Points that you earn for playing do not count for anything. This could have been a great incentive to get existing players to keep playing. Rather than offer punches for purchasing Reward Points, why not offer them for using Reward Points to purchase Marketplace items? The more you play, the more you could earn. The Loyalty Program is an Epic Fail so this could have been used as a tool to keep all players happy not just those who spend money. The bottom line is Zynga doesn't really care about their free players and this should be more evidence of that. This also screws the paying customers because the game will be no good when there aren't any players left. And the downward slope continues....

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I read these blog post and make me wonder, if you would just give them these posting would they see the error of their ways, unless someone from Zynga read this blog, they don't know they missed the boat and what not.

  2. This is why I get an email confirmation of every purchase :)

  3. Well, I'll just rest here a while and read about how much we all hate Zynga but won't quit cuz we don't want to lose all of our hard work over years time... not that Zynga gives a crap about that.
    Sure would be nice if Facebook worked too... it seems to have dropped off the internet, gone bye-bye... the internet works, Facebook does not. :-(

  4. The Blog posts continue to become more and more negative. I normally enjoy reading the Blog, but the negativity for the last two weeks has been a bit much, as well as the last Podcast. Sounds like you're ready to throw in the towel.

  5. if they cared about the users they'ed stop with the money making features and fix the damn game bugs and remove the useless content instead of shutting down cities

  6. @anonymous #3, aren't you the observant one. Of course I'm getting ready to throw in the towel so I don't really care if you enjoy my posts or not. I will probably stop writing about game features and just stick to writing up the mafia wars tools. Maybe you can take over and be that happy go lucky Mafia Wars Player that doesn't seem to exist. Give it a month or two and you too will start being negative.

  7. MW LootLady,

    You are so right, not long ago this game was fun. Now it's more like a job to get things done. They are constantly starting new events without fixing the glitches/bugs from things past. Than you have the always famous line from the CS We understand how you feel we play the game also. If it wasn't for the time but in and the many friends that have been made long the way. I would have thrown in the towel months ago.
    Thanks for the Blog I enjoy it much


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