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Sep 28, 2011

Goodbye 48 Hour Battle...Hello 1 Hour Battle


If anybody cares about the Family Battle feature, the 48 hour Battle option has been removed and replaced with a 1 hour Battle.
The help page has also been update to reflect this change.
Family members now have to join the battle by clicking the "Join the Battle" button and have the option not to if they don't want to participate. Admin are automatically thrown in whether they want to battle or not. The time synchronization is a little off but ices will start counting as soon as you join the battle.
On the Family Leaderboard, the Skirmish is the 1 Hour Battle and the Battle is the 4 Hour Battle. Zynga really needs to fix the backward buttons. If something is highlighted then it should be displayed, it's ass backwards. They should also bother explaining these changes and how the scoring systems work.  There is nothing on the Official Mafia Wars Blog or Customer Support.
Something appears to be wrong with the scores as well. You will notice that the overall family score s much lower than the individual scores. Enter New Name of the AssHat Family has a individual score of 65,250 but the total score is only 5,333. This has been confirmed on other accounts as well.

Thanks to Mike Nestor for the run down and the screen shots.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. That seems smart to me.
    Otherwise, the 48-hour battle is like being on the hitlist for two whole days, and trying to get any other fighting done is impossible.

  2. Thank God that 48 hr option gone-tied up things for too long of a period of time-sometimes 4 hrs too long when you have beat the other family and they refuse to heal and play (and THEY challenged YOU)

  3. So where does this leave those families like mine who were in the 14th hour of a 48 hour battle when the great change took place? Our family battle page is a mess.... The scores make absolutely NO sense! We only see three of the opposing family's peep. Thanks for the warning or even an explanation of what was happening as our games froze, Zynga!

  4. Again, GREAT INFO!. We had just finished a 4 hr. and were beginning another one...so when it opened we saw half our peeps, scores WAY off...and 10 stamina to hit their house...and NO WARNING OR TIP FROM ZYNGA AT ALL!!??? WTF ZYNGA?? WHERE ARE YOUR HEADS AT?? NOT IN THR FRESH AIR END OF THINGS FOR SURE!!!

  5. really good news this, especially as most of us get an hour to spare most days and my family is a fight family so i know we'll be taking advantage of this, as ppl have said above they just need to get the scoring issues sorted out now, but all in all i think this is a good thing zynga did adding the families section to our game...:)

  6. I wish we could review a family before accepting a Battle....that would be a smart button !!!

  7. Does the 1 hour battle work correctly already ??

  8. Anyone else having problems with the 1hr battles..We have a bunch of players join the battles,but there picture and stats are not showing up on the fight screen..yet they're able to Ice and Kill peeps..Any insight into this would be very helpful..
    Thank you

  9. I think that if you totally destroy someone's safehouse, that should be the end of the battle!

  10. The reason the scores are screwed up is because players that join and are helping are not showing up in the list and their score is going to another player who is showing up in the list. I joined, killed iced & used 3k stamina on their safe house and got a zero score.


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