Sep 16, 2011

Family Progression Timer Bug


If mysteriously vanishing family statistics and losing half of your family isn't enough to make you question if Zynga is capable of having this feature. Many players are finding that their Family Progression tasks have been auto-checked and therefore they will miss out on the individual and family experience bonuses. Here is what my Family Progression Page looked like when I went to collect. I also noticed that ridiculous Family Battle button was back. When I clicked on it, it disappeared and directed me to the Family Page.
I even made it on the leaderboard for the helper category two times. It's a shame I won't be able to collect.
Hayden of the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog is in my family and he was lucky enough to have the option to collect his bonuses. Here is a reprint of his post that outlines another Family Progression Timer Issue.

If you are trying to complete the Family Progression daily, you will notice that the timer for today is missing..

This is how it looks like when i was trying to check on my progression for my family:
And here is the temporary solution which you can use to see the timer.
You can do so by highlighting the part where the timer is usually located at, see:

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Daily timer is terrible for those not living in pacific time zone!
    Jenny this was your big mistake to force all players with daily timer.
    Here in europe timer resets at 7 - 10 am meaning that I have to wake up daly at 5am (YES!) to use all bonuses (energy pack, brazil collect,...) to reach gold level. For you it is way easier as it resets around midnight! Now also I dont have a day off as I'm forced to play daily. And you are saying that this is better and more strategic?!
    Are you with Zynga trying to shut down MW as well? You're both on right track!

  2. Its actually ideal for me as I get up at the crack of dawn anyway (I live in the UK) so I can usually get at least 3 out of 4 family categories at gold level, all 4 on a good day. Zynga's timer works that way for everything, its 8 am GMT or, presumably midnight pacific time. I rarely play in the evening as Facebook tends to be a little sluggish sometimes and I'm sure I'm far from the only one ;o)


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