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Sep 28, 2011

Close Your Spinning Bullets Compliments of Team Spockholm


Nothing is more irritating than getting hit with the spinning bullets. Refeshing, closing or unframing your game usually gets rid of them but it's always a toss up between waiting it out or taking action.
If you have installed the Spockholm Toolbar, you will notice your spinning bullets have something more to offer than the suggestion of refreshing.
Team Spockholm
That's right, there is an option to close them. Just click on "close link" and you can move on and go back to playing the game. It works every time!

If you haven't installed the Spockholm Toolbar, what are you waiting for? In addition to providing an easy way to get rid of your spinning bullets, there are many other features that you will love. For an overview of the Spockholm Toolbar and instructions on how to install and customize it, go here.
This addition was added last night and Team Spockholm wanted to see how long it would take the community to notice. It was hard for me to not post about something so cool. Within a few hours, our friends over at the Mafia Wars Maniac and Mistyfied Mafia Wars & Pimping posted about it. Hayden gave kudos to Zynga and Misty thanked them. Little did anybody know that Team Spockholm was responsible. This is yet another example of Team Spockholm providing us with options that Zynga won't.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. By far the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. And, naturally, it doesn't come from Zynga.

    I have been plagued with spinning bullets and their predecessor, the spinning revolver, since the Mafia War Lady was in Middle School.

    This has prompted a modest contribution to Team Spockholm in the form of some of the dollars I'm not throwing at Zynga these days.

    Kudos to Team Spockholm - from one grateful player.

    Don't give up your day jobs!

  2. Waiting to see if all the script-haters install this BM...

    The guys at Team Spockholm deserve a pat on the back for this. What am thinking? Hell, they deserve a case of beer! Martin, Eike, and Pete...you guys kick ass!

    ~ Frank


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