Sep 1, 2011

App Ticker Achievements


If you haven't blocked your Facebook Application Ticker and can deal just fine with it (1), you may have noticed that just about everybody got an achievement in Mafia Wars today. I got the One Down achievement for mastering one stage in New York.
This would have been cool about 2 years ago!
I don't think Facebook or Zynga really knows how many achievements there are. According to the App Ticker, there are 132 and most of us earned "0" which kind of contradicts the big announcement.
According to the Achievements Page, there are 144. There are actually 143 because I have them all. Zynga forgot to adjust the count when they removed The Raven achievement.
If you have all of the achievements, the in game popup will say your achievement is "one of 5 left". They count your current achievement, the 3 Top Mafia achievements which were pulled and The Raven achievement. I really wish they would fix these numbers. If an achievement is removed but still counted as far as I'm concerned it's one I don't have and that's irritating.

Thanks to Hayden of the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog for the heads up.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Appears to be a symptom of a larger problem - lots of people have lost ALL their achievements today.

  2. Is there ANY WAY To Block that Stuff from Popping up on the right side??

  3. Jeniffer there are 144 achievements if I exclude Requiescat in Pace Centimus achievement.
    I currently have 140 achievements and I am missing the following which makes it 144 in total.
    Nest Egg
    What's after Trillion?
    Requiescat in Pace Decimus
    Hot Slots

  4. zynga have nothing to do with the game..
    just know, how to get money from us .

  5. zynga have nothing to do with the game..
    just know, how to get money from us .


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