Aug 31, 2011

New Cuba Loot Drop Rates


The new loot that was added to Cuba is great and should improve most players equipment scores.
I did 500 jobs in the El Soldado tier using the job with the best experience/energy ratio. The very fist job, "Rob Your Cab Driver" costs 10 energy and has a ratio of 1.8.
I did 500 jobs, spent 5000 energy and got 32 items. This is a drop rate of 0.64% and a cost of  about 156 energy per item.
I mentioned in the previous post that there were two jobs not requiring consumables with exp/energy ratios of 1.95. The first was in the El Patron Tier. The "Eliminate A Rival Family's Agent" costs 37 energy.
On this 500 job run, I got 28 items and spent 18,500 energy.  This is a drop rate of 0.14% and each item costs about 660 energy.
The best job of the El Cacique Tier also has a ratio of 1.95. "Arrange A New York Drug Shipment" costs 55 energy.
I got 30 items this time but spent 27,500 energy. The drop here is 0.11% and each item costs about 916 energy.

To sum it all up, it's best to sacrifice the extra experience to get more loot items. I would use all of your energy on the first job and do as many jobs as possible.

Experience/Energy Ratio
# of New Cuba Loot Items
Drop Rate
Energy Cost Per Item
Rob Your Cab Driver
El Soldado
Eliminate A Family’s Agent
El Patron
Arrange A New York Drug Shipment
El Cacique

To help you track your progress, use the Inventory Group bookmarket by Team Spockholm. It's been updated and includes all the new Cuban loot items. I can see that Zynga still hasn't given me my Trigger Happys back. I'll give it another day before contacting Customer Support. You can also see the unaccounted for Shelled Torso is still not dropping.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. there's a typo:
    I did 500 jobs, spent 500 energy and got 27 items. This is a drop rate of 5.4% and a cost of about 19 energy per item.

    under normal circumstances, each job is 10 energy so 5000 energy, 186 energy per item

  2. you got 32 items in 'Rob Your Cab Driver' you missed the 5 barrier coat's.

  3. Thanks to both of you. The edits have been made.

  4. One of the Cuban items is missing: Shelled Torso

  5. This information is so valuable! Many thanks, Jen and crew!

  6. Okay, i think i'm missing something in the way the numbers are applied. In the first instance, 32 items out of 500 jobs = 6.4% drop rate (not 0.64%). For the second, the 28 items out of 500 jobs = 5.6% drop rate (not 0.14%). For the last, 30 items out of 500 jobs = 6% drop rate (not 0.11%).

    I think the math error is due to dividing the item drops by the energy costs. basically there seems to be a rather steady drop rate of 5.6% to 6.4%. Given that the drop rate is steady then it does make more sense to do the job with the least energy cost for the reward gained.

  7. @anonymous above, I don't do drop rates by job as it's useless information because each job costs different amounts of energy. I do it by energy cause that's what I want to know, how many items will I get for the amount of energy I spend.It's not an error it's just the way I do it.

  8. I can see your point. However, if you regard a steady drop rate of 6%, then you can quickly figure out that there will be 6 items dropped for 100 jobs done. Then it's a very simple matter to know that 100 jobs at 10 energy is going to be less than 100 jobs at 55 energy.

  9. Is there an easy way to track the loot????

  10. Is there an easy way to track the loot..??

  11. I like to run Assassin-a-tor in one tab and pause it when it shows my current attack/defense then with another tab I run the 10 energy job with the [Repeat Job] BM'let. Once I run out of energy I go back to Assassin-a-tor and unpause it to see my updated stats from the Return to Cuba loot gained.

  12. Does this loot drop in robs or is it just in jobs?

  13. i am spending around 25k energy on the Rob Your Cab Driver' job daily after completing the Cuba ruby which i completed in 3 days. its take long time to me B'cose of cuban mecnery. after that i am doing only "Rob Your Cab Driver' job nothing other & robbing to brun my stamina but i am not getting the loot it around 10 day when i start doing this job & brun more than 2.5lac energy on this job but i can get only this
    Attack Gained:+8697
    Defense Gained:+6215
    Total: 950
    for me Z fuck all the non cc players


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