Aug 9, 2011

Family Progression: Kills Count (Updated)


A question I've seen come up on more than one occasion regarding the Family Progression feature is if kills count as two ices.  The answer is yes. I did a small run on the Assassin-a-Nator and had 17 ices and 3 kills.
Something that I learned today is that the Assassin-a-Nator adds 2 kills to your ice total. To demonstrate, here is a smaller run. You can see I have 4 ices and 1 kill.
I went through the entire log and pulled the ices and kills. I had two ices and 1 kill. The kill counts as 2 ices so that number was added to the ice total.
I stopped the first run and went to my Family Progression to collect my experience rewards. This was right after the timer reset so it was easier to keep track. You need 5, 20 and 125 ices to master each level. Once I collected, I had credit for 17 ices (5 for the bronze mastery and 12 towards silver). The ices matched what the Assassin-a-Nator told me but if I hadn't known that the kills were added to the ice total, it would appear that they didn't count.

Thanks to Mudit and Kari for helping with the edit process of this post as I didn't know the kills were added to the ice total.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering.. I'm using the Assassin-a-Nator tool and since the last couple of Ice Seasons, my total Ice count has drastically decreased. Do you think it's because more people are trying to fight or is the tool being blocked somehow?

    In a full session of my stamina, I used to average 60-70 ices, now its about 15-20 if I let it run a full night. Let me know please.

    Also, for some reason, in Google Chrome, it tends to freeze my computer from time to time. Was wondering if this ever happens to anyone else.


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