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Aug 24, 2011

"Amazing" sales Coming Soon


There is a new ad hinting at a big Marketplace sale. Zynga isn't always accurate with their adjectives and they seem to have a Marketplace sale every time I log in.  If they want more players to purchase Reward Points, maybe they should stop nerfing and complicating things so players will buy virtual good instead of quitting the game.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Well the only thing I spend RP is for skill!
    That is skill relocation or Weapons Depots (+6 def). OK other +6 are good as well.
    And thats it! And that should every good MW player do.
    Spending RP for loot, boosts, etc is a waste of RP! A spending RP or even $$$ for collecting is BS!
    And Jenny you should write this way as you once already did!

  2. you should be banned for not only sing scripts but promoting them, law suit on way, enough rope an all that lady


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