Jul 8, 2011

Facebook Happening Now Sidebar


Facebook is testing a new feature called Happening Now and so far Mafia Wars players who have it are annoyed. A small percentage of Facebook accounts have it and it's located in the far right column of your screen. It doesn't go away when you play Mafia Wars. Fiona has it and took the screen shot below. This thing is bad news to those of you who like to hide your Mafia Wars activity from your real life friends! According to ZDNet, Facebook wants to implement a News Feed that scrolls separately from the rest of the Home Page. According to Inside Facebook, there is no way to remove this feature if you are one of the unlucky to get it. A work around for Mafia Wars players is to play the game unframed.

Thanks to Fiona for the screen shot and the links for more information on the Happening Now sidebar.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. mibe got removed auto. after few hours...

  2. i had this and mailed fb and they removed it

  3. Zynga is starting to beyond suck, in fact dont know which one sucks more...them or facebook

  4. This is terrible! I hate it.

  5. A friend of mine told me to go to Account/Privacy, click on Apps & Websites, then under "Game and app activity - Who can see your recent games and app activity.", click ONLY ME.

    So far that seems to be doing it for me.

    Other than that, I hate that thing. It's in all the games and it is annoying. I don't care who is playing what, etc., but for a while, every time I played frontierville, within seconds of entering that game, someone declared war on me in mafia wars. I don't want people to know where I am or what I am doing.

  6. I have this on my account and dislike it very much.It puts the game to the bottom of the screen! I have to play unframed all the time.

  7. I have had this off and on for at least two weeks. I dont like it, it is annoying, and I think it adds overhead to the CPU. I wish facebook would quit dinking around with stuff.

  8. I had this few weeks ago, but one day it magically disappeared and I'm happy now.

  9. I have it and its annoying / distracting as hell - it keeps telling u which games people are playing (as if u want to know) horrible - also u cannot do wars as the MW is below this piece of sh^t - HATE IT HATE IT - no value just pure spam ... I leave FB if they keep it - HATE IT HATE IT

  10. I have this ~ its been with me for over a week and it now takes anything up to 2 mins for mw to load.. despite emailing fb, they have not removed it :(

  11. Maybe bcos it is free, FB customer service really sucks. I have not got the games gift request page anymore on the right hand side of my FB homepage for a couple of months now so accessing it is really a hassle from the games icon on the left hand side. Emailed to them about this issue for weeks now and nothing has been done

  12. while it may have disappeared for you, you can still be seen as active on other players who have it. Clicking on the ONLY ME of apps & websites does NOT keep you off - it only keeps you from being shown on the games dashboard (the list at the bottom of your FB pending gifts.) the only way to keep yourself from being "seen" is to change Privacy settings Things I share Posts by me to customer "only me" and then unfortunately no one can see your wall either.


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