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Jul 28, 2011

Bonus Baht For Reward Point Purchases


Zynga finally figured out that players really need Baht and not mastery to complete Bangkok.  They chose to capitalize on this need and are offering envelopes of Thai Baht as a bonus for purchasing Reward Points.
You can't miss the popup alerting you to this "great" deal. Fortunately, if you have a 40% discount offer, it will still apply.
If you buy 85 Reward Points or less, you will get $100,000 Baht.
Buy 86 or more Reward Points and you will get a cool half a million Baht.
The fine print says if you buy 215 or more Reward Points you will have a chance of winning 1 million Baht. I purchased 215 and only got B$500,000 so this chance must not be very good.
5X Mastery does help because it will decrease the amount of money you have to spend on the jobs that require Baht. Many players are noticing that for some reason the 5X Mastery Bonus isn't working. It was fine on all accounts that I tested but I wonder if accounts that completed the Mission are having this problem. Please comment if you have any insight.
If you need Baht, this is nice an all but it's just not enough. After factoring in job equipment and requirement costs, even $1,000,000 Baht isn't going to get you through. The best way to get Baht is to sell job equipment from previously mastered episodes, fight in Bangkok and ask you friends to help you out. If one of your friends (who is weaker than you) has Baht they no longer need, have them attack you or you can attack them to transfer Baht between accounts. Here is one of the jobs in the last episode of Bangkok. You need $4,000 Baht per click.
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)
The equipment costs for the highest level of mastery will cost a total of $16,132,500 Baht! Even if you got a million, you're in trouble if you need Baht.

Thanks to Da Irish Kid for the heads up and some screen shots.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I wish they would just let us finish the city Bangkok has been a never ending story, the need of Baht is crippling, re doing so many jobs to raise the Bath has left many many jobs undone, this is a sad week for Mafia Wars

  2. i just learned this...sell your items on your city store(bangkok) for baht...hope this helped...

  3. Okay then - I need to make sure to NOT buy any RP until this ends; the last thing I need is more Baht to get ripped off into wherever the black hole in space is that ate all my Cuba and Moscow cash and loot.

  4. bangkok was simply the best city ever, perhaps second only to moscow, it wasn't easy to master and it hadn't had 800 energy jobs without loot drops

  5. I think I won't make it to end Bangkok. I still need to master the last episode but I have no money.. I'm sorry because it's going to be the first retired episode I don't master. Well.. not much of a problem I guess, the Baht cost was simply too high and made some error in managing the money some months ago.

  6. Does anybody knows what's the best Baht/Energy ratio job in BK? That could be really useful.


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