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Jun 16, 2011

Wendy's Ad In Mafia Wars


The Wendy's ad that didn't work last week is back on the Featured Items Module (1).
I could have came up with all kinds of jokes relating the Wendy's "Where's The Beef" campaign to Mafia Wars. When I saw the ad was for a good cause, I decided not to.
Click on the ad and you get an activity for 2 Reward Points. Share your favorite childhood memory with your father with the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption. They will get 50 cents for every Frosty that is purchased during Father's Day Weekend.
You can share this activity on your wall so others can share it. Click on share if you see these posts and get the word out. You may not get the Reward Points but it will help people to know to buy a Frosty this weekend and "Treat It Forward".

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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