Jun 13, 2011

Sticky Revenge Popup Issue


When fighting manually, you end up seeing the Revenge popup a lot. Due to the frequency, it's super annoying. To make it even worse, it sticks and you can't get rid of it. When you close the X in the upper right corner, nothing happens.
When you click on Attack or Back to Fight List, you can see the bottom of your fight page but you can't get to the attack buttons. Look at the bottom of the image below and you can see the next fight was pulled up. The only way to get rid of this popup is to close out the game and reenter it. That's not very conducive to fighting!
If you unframe your game (from Facebook, not mafiawars.com), you won't get the these popups or ice popups for that matter. This is actually a good thing for me but the problem is the heal option won't generate a popup either. You could use an auto-healer to bypass this. I found the workaround is to go to mafiawars.com. Framed or unframed, I didn't have any popup issues.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Well, I wouldn't know because I STILL DON'T HAVE THE NEW FIGHTING MODULE! grrrmmbll

  2. None of those problems occur for me. All of the buttons work in my interface.

    What browser was this? I use FireFox 4.

  3. had this problem for 3 days now contacted zynga thy said thy had same prob but then told me to clean cache and just putting blame on to me but i knw this is happening to others with new module

  4. Actually, you can close it. Just click the X over and over again... about 10 times will do the trick :)

  5. What happened to no revenge until everyone is on the new system? Pfft.

  6. I only fight/play at mw.com and I get he pop up and it freezing constantly. using ff.


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