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Jun 27, 2011

Steal Of The Summer Starts Now


The Steal Of The Summer starts out with a bang and of course a bug! Find it on your Home Page Current Event Module.
Or go directly to the Marketplace and you will get this popup.
In case you weren't paying attention, there is a sale icon located on top of the Game Header.
After you close out the popup by clicking on "Go to Sale", you will see your ticker that will keep track of the qualifying items you buy. Items less than 5 Reward Points or those purchased in the Loyalty Program or Fight Club and Treasure Chest Keys do NOT count.
I don't know why I would want to participate in this event because Zynga already gave me 22 Wrist Rocks! That was so sweet of them. Check your inventory and see how many you got! I can assure you that this is a bug and it won't take long for the nerf guys to discover and fix this ASAP. Don't get too attacked to your new equipment scores.
You will find many items on sale. Use the "Summer Blowout Sale" tab to see special Hourly Doorbuster Items.
Energy and Stamina refills are only 5 Reward Points and count towards your total purchases.
As you buy items, the ticker boxes will get filled in with yellow.
Crates are only 6 Reward Points each.
You get a tick and a decent loot item.
You need to be careful because if you buy any Marketplace item from the game when you aren't actually in the Marketplace, you won't get credit. You can see here, I purchased a Energy Refill for 5 Reward Points from the game prompt.
My ticker didn't move at all so I was out of luck. Make sure the same thing doesn't happen to you.
Buying a speed up for your crafting timer doesn't count either.
That would be great if it did but Zynga is on to use and knows what we prefer to do with our Reward Points.
Unlike previous Marketplace Promotions, you don't get other loot items along the way. You only get the Wrist Rockets when you make 15 purchases. You can brag about it to your mafia by spamming the news feeds. They better not take this one away from me when they clean up that glitch! At least I have screen shots. The sale ends June 30th at 11:59 PDT.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. can someone tell me how to contact zynga customer support, there used to be a chat now option when u clicked support but its no longer there??

  2. Loot lady is this a thumbs up?
    Do I spend my RP on items or energy refills?

    The whake

  3. What about skill point reallocation Zygna?
    Thats a true Steel of SUMMER!

    The WHALE

  4. I got 10 wrist rocket for nothing

  5. the chat now option only shows up there if a rep is free (i.e. there is someone available to chat with) - otherwise it doesn't show up and you either have to keep trying or send an e-mail. HTH


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