Jun 23, 2011

Premium Boost Review & Inventory History Updates


The three new Premium Boosts that I told you about yesterday are now available in the Marketplace. They are on sale so now was the perfect time to test them and demonstrate what they do.
The Vampire Batting, lets your regain health equal to +50% of the damage that you deal.
I bought 10 Vampire Battings for 9 Reward Points.
Team Spockholm updated the Inventory History bookmarklet to include Boosts and Collection Items so this was a good time to check that out too. You can see the 10 Vampire Battings were added to the changes in my inventory.
I attacked Mafia King before I purchased the boosts and it did -2 damage.
With the boost activated, I got a +7 in damage and that is added back to my health. Since damage is a range and not the same every time you can't compare the -2 from above with the +7 from below. I'm not sure this is a big enough deal to entice me to spend Reward Points.
The Ruthless boost seems like the most useful of the bunch. It increases the damage you to to your opponent by 100%.
I purchased 10 for 9 Reward Points and ran another Inventory History.
I attacked Mafia King again before purchasing the boosts and did -19 in damage.
With the boost activated, the damage was -52 so we can see it's working. Damage isn't always the same for each attack so like with the Vampire Batting, you can't literally compare two fight results.
I used the Power Attack button and did all kinds of damage. Remember the Power Attack will count as 5 attacks so that means 5 boosts will be used.
They didn't last long but I it was fun to use them and the Inventory History bookmarklet shows they were all used.
The Decoy lets you win cash if you lose a fight. If currency were more valuable in this game, this boost might be cool. Because of the nature of the game, this boost is totally useless which may explain why they didn't even add it to the Featured Boosts Module. If you got more experience it may be worth buying. I bought 10 Decoy's for 9 Reward Points.
There are all 10 of them on my Inventory History bookmarklet.
Before I purchased the boosts, I attacked somebody strong off of the hitlist and lost. You can see I lost $100,000 in the fight.
No Decoy
Once I had the Decoy's and turned them on, I attacked the same person. I lost the fight again and the total was -$535,000. This can be confusing and appear the boost didn't work but that's because the game keeps track of all your fights from a single target so it's a cumulative amount. That was the 7th attack.
To demonstrate this better, I attacked Mike Nestor because I knew I would get my ass kicked. Here is a second of two attacks without the boost and I lost -$150,000 total.
With the Decoy activated, my total lost money goes up to -$20,000 on the 4th attack.
I attacked a strong player off of the hitlist with my Decoy activated and you can see I won +$65,000 even though I won the fight. We can all feel confident that this useless boost actually works, it's just confusing to see the money you won if it's used on targets you have already attacked.
I attacked Mafia King again with my boosts turned on. Since I won the fight, the boost wasn't used.
I double checked the Inventory History and you can see it logged the one boost that I used.

Thanks to Mafia King for letting me beat up on him and share the results and to Mike Nestor for helping me figure out the Decoy.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. you didn't get more money with decoy, you lost much more

  2. Good catch, I hadn't even noticed the minus sigh. I need to look into that some more. Thanks.


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