Jun 14, 2011

New Property Items In Inventory


When using the Inventory History bookmarklet to look up the name of the new Boss Fight reward, I noticed 7 new Property Items plus the new Limited Time item were also added to our inventories
A few posts down, I talked about the Sharing Thoughts which is our current Limited Time item in the Weapons Depot.
I'm not sure if the next 7 items are also going to be Limited Time items but they will be connected to our properties in some manner. None of the stats are anything to get excited about.
TOKO noticed that the Cape Buffalo is also a Secret Stash item (1). If you look closer, you will see the stats are different so these are different items. We've seen this happen in the past and I imagine Zynga will correct it if they notice.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. they maybe upgrading property like chop shop, armory, weapons depot and private zoo again

  2. i think these are part of the new brazil districts, maybe new properties or just added on to current ones


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