Jun 13, 2011

More Fight Updates


It's been 13 days since the new Fight Module started rolling out (1). Many players still don't have it and there is no official word from Zynga as to how long it will take. We have seen two blog posts on the Official Mafia Wars Blog informing us of performance updates (1)(2). I have noticed that since the first update, fighting does seem a little smoother. Everyone wants to know when there will be a fighting script. Until the Fight Module is stable, it's hard for the script writers to make one. As soon as Zynga makes changes, the scripts need to be rewritten. I've been helping test the Assassin-a-Nator and can see that Martin has had to put in a lot of extra work due to constant changes. Everyone needs to be patient and know that they are being worked on.
The latest blog post informs us that we can now choose to have our Fight Module float on over the fight list or dock on top of it. You will see the option to toggle back and forth in the lower left corner of your Fight Module. You can see there isn't much of a difference. I guess I'm going to keep mine floated as there will be a little less scrolling since it's closer to the actual fightlist. There is too little of a difference to make this choice a hard one.
Floating Fight Module
Docked Fight Module
Another change is that boost control is now available on the fightlist itself so you can turn your boosts on or off without having to attack somebody. This also enables players who don't have the new Fight Module to control their boosts as well. Look for the boost control option at the top of the fightlist. It is still present on the new Fight Module as well.
Here is how it probably went down. Since they are taking so long to roll this thing out, players with the old Fight Module probably think it's not fair that they can't control their boosts while other players can.
Bill:  Hey I don't have the new Fight Module yet!
Ted: Dude, it's bad ass, you get a pop-up every second and you can turn your boosts on or off!
Bill:  How is that fair? You get everything before I do, Zynga must hate me. I don't even have the Secret Stash feature. I want boost control now!
Ted: Contact Customer Support, they will probably compensate you for your inconvenience.
Bill:  Are you crazy? I can never get through and it takes too long. 
Ted:  Complain on the Zynga Forums, the Super Moderators can put this injustice in their report to the team.
Bill:  Dude!! Have you been to the forums lately? It's full of angry people with inferiority complexes. I don't think so. I'll go to Get Satisfaction where it's not so hostile.

The last change I noticed today is that you can ask your mafia to send you boosts if you run out of them. The option is only available when your boost count is at zero. Just click on the "Ask" button.
A post will be generated that you can publish to your news feeds. When your mafia members click on "Send fight boost" from the request, you get one and they get one too.
They don't last long and you will find most of the requests you click on will say you are too late.
The maximum number of boosts you can get from each request is 10. There doesn't appear to be a limit on how many times we can ask. The only requirement is that your boost count needs to be zero.
There doesn't appear to be a limit on how many times we can ask for boosts but there is a one hour timer on when we can ask again. The requirement is that your boost count needs to be zero and you need to have the new Fight Module as there is no option to as from the fightlist boost controller.
I ran an event scanner to try to tell how many mafia members we can help with boosts per day. Look for the fight boost request under the fight tab and select "Send fight boost".
I didn't have much luck and everyone I clicked said I could only receive 10 free fight boosts per day. I hadn't helped any of my mafia yet so I have to assume it counted the 10 that were sent to me.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Still don't have this ....

  2. I soo want the new fight program.. but I will prorably be the last one to get it

  3. I really love the new fight page, much easier to use and understand, we can see the rewards without scrolling down! It's Great


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