Jun 30, 2011

Leaving A Family Mid Ice


A common question that I get is "Will you still get to keep the Death By Ice Loot if you leave your Family". I had an energy account in the {ASS} Family and decided to leave so a real player could join and participate.
The answer to the burning question is Yes. Here is the Ruby level Ma taken from the inventory of the account above after leaving the {ASS} Family. You can see it's still active. The player who joined right after was able to collect a Ruby Level Ma as soon as he was accepted into the {ASS} Family. I will work on finding a Family with a vacant spot and a Ma to see if my energy account can join and collect a second loot item. I didn't have time to coordinate that tonight.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. 'I will work on finding a Family with a vacant spot and a Ma to see if my energy account can join and collect a second loot item.' i'm pretty sure these kind of exploits are NOT why families were created, please stop giving ppl ideas to degrade the idea of real clans further than you already have.. your credibility is going completely out the window

  2. rename your blog to 'mafia wars cheat-sheet'.. we had enough concerns w/ Z being involved w/ clans but you have single-handedly completely wrecked it much more than Z could ever do.. 0 respect for you at this point

  3. Stop your moaning, you bunch of anonymous people....it's only a stupid game !

  4. I just want to see if it's possible, it's an energy account. I'm curious to see if they coded to prevent it. They could always roll back if a lot of players did that which would be pretty hard to do. Once again the haters give me way more credit than I deserve. I could give a shit if some anonymous troll respects me or not. I don't know why all the haters just can't stay away. Maybe it's because you get all of your info here. Start your own freaking blog and stop whining.

  5. show up yourself ~ or atleast grow a set of balls to write down your name. you anonymous ppl - monkeys don't have home and they have tendency to destroy others !

  6. exploiting bugs that Zynga should have fixed is actually a legit way of sending them support, I imagine those people who nag about it are usually the ones who are exploiting it themselves and don't want it to be fixed in the first place!

  7. Limbun why don't you show yourself? post your link so I can see who you are.

  8. Mike, You want to see a link so a bunch of cry baby's can file false reports with Z and FB and then attempt to sit on them---lol---you first Einstein.. Frank

  9. how can i get in your family, lvl 2600+ over 32k ices

  10. Tried asking to join an active family...no response. I'm icing 500/day (minimum) and stuck in a family that only has a few active people that can participate. Not sure why they invited level 32 people. Frustrated. Hate to leave the group but with this current pace I'll never get Ruby. We just cleared Silver.

  11. same here, i accepted first invite i got, just got silver too

  12. i was far from a hater actually, i loved your page/blog.. however, i feel using your position to create a family of huge scripters just to give yourself a huge advantage over all actual clans is beyond low.. no one believes you did it for research purposes, you could have done that w/ your original group.. you did it strictly to win and it's cheated tons of clans from rewards they deserve.. you of all ppl should have known how real clans would react, you specifically sought out a way to exploit the new clan system and your group deserves everything they're getting

  13. Everything they're getting? I guess that includes those RUBY MAs too.

  14. @haters gonna hate Anon
    lulz...i suggest participating in beta test games to open up your mind.

    The way I see it, no one trying to exploit anything. It was to test whether it can be done or not. Knowing MWLL one of PAC members, I'm sure Zynga monitor her blog, thus if she found out it can be done, Zynga may fix the exploit. Maybe they already fix it before she could exploit it.

    2nd, she found out that players can keep Ma acquired after leaving family. This could help many who join a family but their family suck at icing or those who doesn't have family so these peoples could get their share of Ma too.

  15. and 3rd, if Zynga take leaving family as exploit, they could fix the exploit too since the coders didn't realize his/her code lacking exploit protection.

    Cerulean Master (Official Rep) 1 day ago
    Hi ,

    The event was rolled out to everyone at the same time and you will only be able to collect each tier reward once.


    Cerulean Master (Official Rep) 1 day ago
    Hi ,

    They should not have Bronze, Silve or Gold if they have the Ruby reward. Just like past events, the rewards are upgraded.



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