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Jun 11, 2011

Fight Module Display Error Fixes


I've mentioned 2 display errors on the new Fight Module and they both have been corrected. The green/red display on your stats and equipment scores where always showing up as green even when you lost (1). The colors are now accurately reflecting what went down in the fight.
Another display bug was that the currency you won in a fight was always appearing as the currency of the destination you were fighting in. If you were fighting in Brazil and your opponent is in New York, you got  New York cash but The Fight Module was displaying the currency as Brazil Real (1).

Thanks to Invincez Amir Yusrito for noticing the money display fix.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. any chance you could see if they could put back how close the fight is?

  2. that was in that thread you posted in yesturdays article, they must be watching it then.

  3. How close a fight was never could be reliable. Zynga calculated that after it knows who won or lost so the closeness of the fight never meant anything.

  4. This new fight thing hasn't yet hit me yet, so to say..is this something new they are doing for a certain select few, or will it eventually hit everyone?


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