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Jun 8, 2011

Family Module: Phase 2 beta Testing


The response of Families to sign up for phase 2 of the beta test phase of the Family Module was overwhelming. 227 forms were submitted and many new Families are being added to the test group (1). The number of characters available for tags was increased from 6 to 8 and so far things are running smooth. If you missed the opportunity to sign up earlier, go to here for another chance. You can see at the bottom of the form, there is an option to be added to a Skype room where you can network and communicate with other families. Many thanks to Tre York for doing a great job with keeping this organized.
Your Facebook ID # is needed to sign up. If you have changed your URL into letters, you need to find the numbers. To do this, go to your Facebook Profile Page and click on your profile image. That will take you to your photos and you can see you ID# in the browser.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thank you very much for the info and the help loot lady, there are battles over tags and ownership out there as we all know- Many respects to you all.[o•m]☆ ɮɐŧṃɐи ☆

  2. Thanks Jennifer! Now my clan BLACK[BW]WOLF is in the clan pages. Thanks to all members of the PAC as well!!

  3. I am still waiting to hear about dual tagging since I have two clans. Please help me get information on the plans for that happening.


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