Jun 29, 2011

Death By Ice Update #2


The Assassin-a-Nator Family has reached Gold Mastery in the Death By Ice Event. We are at 11,688 ices and going strong. It hard to say where anybody stands because the leaderboard is jacked up. I think it has some serious lag so nobody knows which Families are on top. I hope they can fix this because it will make the event much more enjoyable.
Ma is starting to look a whole lot better with stats of  88/140. We need a little over 18,000 ices to get Ruby mastery.
Rahul Malhotra created this cool image for the Assassin-a-Nators. We will find out tomorrow if we get to keep our Family name. We have some great back ups picked out so it won't be that big of a deal.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This has to be THE best thing Zynga has introduced for a good few months - I am loving it and proud to be in this Family - Can I stay after the event has finished ???

  2. It is a fun event however it's definitely catered to the top players, as it should be. If you are not a top player and need to be selective in who you attach the fight list is worthless. All the players below level 3000 are constantly "iced"

  3. MWLL: I submitted the sheet to be in {ASS} yesterday. Will I get confirmation or denial anytime soon? I really want to start this event.

  4. This group is a joke of a family...your members have shit personal attack and defense skills for their level. You are just a bunch of serial levelers...not fighters!

  5. Another Primate Entity
    Gold Mastery

    Event Ices ... 13,898

    And less than 60 members ;)

  6. Definitely you guys cheated on the rules of engagement by using scripts adding up multiple families in one, Zynga should consider this one as well, anyway what the heck, you are all cheaters in our own way ...

  7. It needs more than to know how to peel a banana to join us ;-) Do not hide in a treehouse - go on the floor and do the MONKEY ICE DANCE - Happy Hunting to all

  8. Funny how, when you work really hard, you're called a cheater...

    Another Primate Entity
    Gold Mastery

    Event Ices ... 14,405

  9. http://apps.facebook.com/inthemafia/profile.php?id=%7B%22user%22%3A%22cHw1MjIwMjY1Nw%3D%3D%22%7DJune 29, 2011 at 6:44 AM

    This has to be THE best thing Zynga has introduced, Great Job! Here is what I am seeing. during fight: The Win and Lost at the top disappears, It dose not do happen in every fight,but it is happening. Good Luck, enjoy the game

  10. somebody obviously plays Assassin's creed :)

  11. I think it will be quite tight for my family. They're doing alright, but 30,000 is a big ask.

    I know I can rack up 1000+, but I'm not sure about the others.

  12. First event I'm not going to complete at 100%. Fuck you Zynga :(.

  13. @Familie Wallenstein...beware of all the banana peels laying around as they are slippery & you might fall & hurt yourself. Go Monkies go!!! :o)

  14. Another Primate Entity
    Gold Mastery

    Event Ices ... 17,340

    @ Fabian with your attitude no good family will want you so yeah, slep aside little boy, have a banana :)

  15. Wow Jen, Nice representation of PAC to create a bogus group to just try to ruin the event for the other real families out there...I usually stand behind you and PAC 100%, but not this time. Not a classy move at all...

  16. i wanna join this group ?? is it possible now ?

  17. I hope a real clan gets pissed at this mockery of a clan and beats the crap out of the Asshole-a-Nators

  18. I love the idea of these spin-off groups that are forming in response to this event (because ASS isn't the only one, dear haters), I think it opens up a lot of possibilities, and I even like the diversity of the team coming together from different groups. Go Assassin-a-Nators!

  19. When member leave the family. Zynga should take the rewards back from them. It should remain with the family that wins them.

  20. I really can't see why the long lip. If you're in a family, you must fight as a family. If you don't fight, your loss, I didn't whine about energy events ;)

    We are just short of 20 000 ices, and our family started as a small family of 45 members, only recently we added some more. If an average of 50 members can do this, why can't a family of 101 do it over 8 days? We'll complete this event in about 5 - 6 hours.

    And most of all, we're getting to know each other and working as a team, it is great fun and I think Zynga did something right here. Stop the other useless time wasting events and focus more on these. Well done :)

  21. easy way to cut that short mr black, just have the clans start sitting on ass members, one you will have plenty of live targets if they are trying to ice. its competition people will find ways suck it up and compete

  22. applied to join the family but not heard anything yet :-)

  23. Misty, I don't hide who I am, and you know where to find me in the GF/GM room. 1st I am not a hater, we will easily complete this event tonight or tomorrow, and we will do it with our own long standing members. Yes, other people have done the same thing, but those others are not PAC members like some of {ASS} are. You are supposed to represent the players, instead you are going against the spirit of the game and the intent of this event."Who is the strongest Family out there? A new icing mastery event will pit Families against each other in a competition to determine which is the coolest in Mafia Wars." But I guess some chump change loot is worth more that some peoples integrity. To each their own I guess...Cheers

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'm afraid many of you have skewed ideas of what PAC should be. I don't even see what PAC has to do with it. There is no circumventing the system, this is a game feature, ASS is a group of players from many different groups specifically to team up for this event. And it's been fun!

    As for how PAC has anything to do with it, I'm not sure. We are not elected public officials. We were chosen for various reasons, and each of us represents different styles of gameplay. I can only represent my own opinions, and what I see voiced in my news feed and my own network.

  26. ::smacks all the haters upside the head with a wet banana! then runs::

  27. ITA Misty! This is the most fun I have ever had during any MW event & hec! it's only day one. I think some people just have sticks up their butts & wouldn't know a good time if it was a banana & smacked them upside the head :oP

  28. ok lets kill em all asses

  29. Won: 3730 (99.9%) Lost: 4 (0.1%)
    Iced: 0 (+59) Killed: 8
    All ASS...
    Enjoy the rest of the event...

  30. Iced: 0 (+21) Killed: 4

  31. I have to say that it saddens me to consider that all the real clans in Mafia Wars are working so hard at this event, yet a group of players from several clans can form a group today just to cheat the event from everyone else. Zynga should seriously consider whether this is what they wanted from this event. To think that the {ASS} 'clan' was formed by people from this blog is extremely disappointing... and to think that they named themselves after a fighting script and are openly discussing the methods to collect ices in ways which against Zynga's Terms of Service...

  32. whoop i de dooo, way

  33. At guy 2 posts above:
    Erm, a clan is a group of people that have come together for a common cause. What makes ASS so different. I think they are showing that former non clan members/not serious clan members can become a force to reckon with if they come together. From the looks of things they seem to be enjoying themselves too. Something a game should provide someone is enjoyment after all.

    Why are you afraid of this? Are you afraid of more competition in the event? Don't be silly.

    OH! How else are you other clans getting ices? Are you seriously trying to say you got so far without using any bookmarklets? Don't make me laugh. I bet you and other top clans have made extensive use of BMs.

  34. I think Zynga's aim was to encourage folk to create and join families. Why would they then be annoyed that this has happened?

    Anyway, could someone tell me how to go about joining the group? I am in a family, but it seems only a couple of us are trying to get ices and the others are riding on our coat tails. I'd like to join a family where everyone is putting the effort in.

  35. ≡TSG≡ is 1/3 finished with Ruby - just keep healing and we'll be done by morning ;-)

  36. I wish the {ASS}es all the luck in the world. Coming together & having fun is what the whole event is about so you have succeeded as have we monkies. It is a game for Pete's sake! if is becomes unfun then it's time to quit playing. For everyone who wants to whine let em. They aren't having fun but we are....

    btw Happy Hour is at 5PM. Free BANANA daiquiris for everyone in the APE Lounge!!!

  37. congrats TSG! 8148 more & the APEs will be ruby so yeah... everyone keep healing & we should be done by dinnertime :o)

  38. Teresa - I quote "It is a game for Pete's sake!"

    Was this Pistol Pete's idea?

    *grabs Teresa's banana and runs to ice more people* whoop whoop!

  39. It may very well have been Pistol Pete's idea for Pete's sake! & Mommmmmmmm doncha be stealing the bananas cause there is a line forming for daiquiris! OMG we need more ice to make the daiquiris!! guess I hasta run to the store for more ices... anybody else need anything?? :oP

  40. This is tricky. I'm an underboss but feel like creating a family with only people at something level 1000+ who always wants to master all events, and are able to. The family I'm in has the most awesome tag, and some pretty good members, but most seem to be having a vacation or something. 100 members should do 300 ices each for it to be far. I've done far more than that already, but still we only recently reached silver mastery. I'm thinking and fearing we might not even get the ruby. If there were some way to "contact" and talk to the members to see if they want to fight at all or drop or whatever it'd be much better. Now it's all a mystery. Or should one create one's own family and only add great members to start with? Or try to join another?

    There are so many dilemmas. I myself always master/finish every event since I became "serious", and would like similar members in the family I'm in, who both could ice and spend a lot of energy when needed. But are there such players left to get?

  41. I don't know what 2 say.
    I feel a bit stabbed in the back. Thought I was in a nice family (MWLL) but while I'm on vacation everything changed??!! Suddenly the strongest members have a new family/clan or what u should call it! I think I am a bit above average daily player who does his best om MW. It would be nice for me 2 if a new target is gained also. It makes me wondering what family is about. The moment a new challenge comes along the family is not important anymore... wierd if you ask me...
    I wil still try 2 do my best as a MWLL member and hope the remaning ones will also get this new icing thing.
    and since I'm still on vacation and my internet connectionn is realy bad I wil now grab a new cold one.(not an ice ;-) )

  42. ^Couldn't someone turn that round and say you stabbed your family in the back by not being around for however long your vacation was? Do you think it fair on the others to carry dead weight?

    I'm above such arguments though. This is just a game. morons like the TSG whats his face can think of Mw as the only place they belong but I have a life outside of it. I'll get my ruby mastery by the end of the week and sit happily

  43. We at SIN are GOLD Mastered....and 11504 to go....good luck to you all Assassin-a-Nators!!

  44. APE's have achieved Ruby!!! Banana daiquiris for everyone!!! On the house!!!

  45. Top Players? You're having a laugh!

    What has running a script and autohealing 24/7 got to do with being a top player?

    How can you possibly construe setting a script as working hard? LMAO

  46. @Teresa's Mother:
    I'm one of the most older players than are still playing this game, with 100% event achived. If you where in my position, you can understand why I feel like that, than can't complete this event than will ruin me. Of course, i'm still with no Family, because I'm a "little" shy and don't want to disturb asking if I can join to get a "No", as always I get it in everything :(. Again, Good Luck {ASS}. You'r doing a great job.


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