May 26, 2011

The X-Men & Mafia Wars


The X-Men is a series of movies based off the the Marvel Comics series. The fifth one X-Men: First Class will hit theaters on June 3rd . I'm sorry but I've seen this movie before when it was called X-Men in 2000, X-Men 2: United in 2003, X-Men 3: The Last Stand in 2006 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine in 2009. Do they really need 5 of these things? The Official Mafia Wars Blog, always a plethora of information, explains the event in the posted titled X-Men: First Class Loot Drop!. There is currently no Customer Support doc and I've been off line most of the night. I'll have a walk through later soon.
To help Zynga get more money, buy advanced tickets at Fandago.  For those interested, here is the trailer. As with most events, we have to ask.....What in the hell do X-Men have to do with Mafia Wars? At least it's a step up from a pig.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. sounds good.........

  2. Johan Versteeg
    You were attacked 26 times by: [SPOCKHOLM] Pistol Pete
    You lost the fights, taking 472 damage.
    You lost:

    * $31,137
    hey Pete hehehehee ;) (^^^)
    45 minutes ago · Privacy:Friends Only · LikeUnlike ·
    WHOOOOOOOOPPP WHOOOOOOOOOPPPP!!! ;) RESPECT PETE , im getting close to finishing the ice event getting slapped right and left at moment though :)

  3. i am having a hard time finding the job loot. the fight loot dropped good in brazil

  4. But only a step up from a regular pig...
    In the case of a flying pig, it would be even...

    And a flying pig in a panda disguise with X-ray vision would be superior (channeling Nostradamus)...

  5. There's mention on the home page on the 5th little window for me, about 2x Fight Loot this weekend. So, maybe another double loot weekend again or an oops by zynga?

  6. JP... do u understand how the hello this thing works? I'm lost.

  7. So I've collected 7 of each item and still can't get the magneto helmet

  8. I'm sorry, Jen, but I have to take issue with what you said, "I've seen this movie before when it was called...". See, if you actually watched the movies, I'm sure you'd agree, Wolverine was absolutely NOTHING like the previous three. While I haven't seen First Class, from what I get of the storyline, it's a younger, brand new group, rookies, if you will. I guess if you've seen one group of Super Heroes you've seen them all? That would be like comparing the X-men to Fantastic Four, or to the Avengers movie next year.

    The director of the first two films, Bryan Singer, tried hard, and succeeded, I believe, in trying to make these people (mutants) that developed these super powers, seem real. Even bringing in the racism/ bigotry that exists in the comic books.
    The third film definitely lost some of the magic, so I can see why it might leave a bad taste in your memory, but it was directed by Brett Ratner, who was previously known only for the Rush Hour movies.

    Again, if you want to say the first three, with a bunch of mutant Super Heroes, ostracized by society, trying to find their place in life, were the same, fine. But the Wolverine movie?? No, not a chance.

  9. can you get more than 1 ruby level helmet?

  10. anyone know what the coded message thing is?


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